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Sunday, April 10, 2011

The 'birther' bill - can not be retroactive

The birther bill, is the new attempt to get President Obama to show his Birth Certificate.  The conservative ideal is to make him show it!! This started 3 year ago when Phillip Berg started this frivolous  attack on President Obama for not being a citizen of the United States. Although Berg is an Attorney every claim he has filed has been thrown out of Court, claiming no merit! 

Now Donald Trump is making the same claim, except he wants law makers to pass a new birther bill to make the President show that he is a Citizen of the United States. I keep hearing Trump and many others keep singing the same song, they only want to see the presidents birth certificate.

Unfortunately the Birther Bill, will not help them to see the president birth certificate... The bright individuals who came up with this law, can not make it retroactive. There is a law called the Grand Father Clause which basically says that any law passed today does not become retroactive. That simply mean that if you were going to pass the law with the attempt to see the birth certificate it will not work!!!

So this conspiracy theory for Obama 50 years ago to make him the first black president by hiding his true birth place, is deep! Will someone tell me, were black people still getting lynched in the 60's? Go figure...

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