Unfortunately their are some whites in the world that feel that they can stand up and tell the world that they are tire of black feeling like they got the short end of the stick. At times if you listen to them, you would think they were black for just a split second when they are telling blacks to stop using the race card...
To intentionally provoke a individual with the intent to get a adverse reaction is not cool at all. I seldom see white's that are pushed and prod ed to get a reaction and then justify their actions.
Blacks need to understand that some whites do things all for the good of what ever point that they are trying to make. Gary come back, why, so that we can finish grilling you and get our point across. So since he did not come back now Mr White man can give you the evolution of blacks and how they really act! What was really sad is that they had a black female on the show that looked like she had already been bought and sold!
So you know who she was not defending
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