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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Husband Store

A store that sells husbands has just opened in New York City, where a
woman may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates.
You may visit the store, ONLY ONCE!
There are six floors and the attributes of the men increase as the
shopper ascends the flights. There is, however, a catch. ... You may
choose any man from a particular floor, or you may choose to go up a
floor, but you cannot go back down except to exit the building! So, a
woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband. .
On the first floor the sign on the door reads:

Floor 1 - These men have jobs and love the Lord.

The second floor sign reads:
Floor 2 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, and love kids.

The third floor sign reads:
Floor 3 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, and are extremely good looking.

"Wow," she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.

She goes to the fourth floor and sign reads:
Floor 4 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, are drop-
dead good looking and help with the housework.

"Oh, mercy me!" she exclaims, "I can hardly stand it!"

Still, she goes to the fifth floor and sign reads:
Floor 5 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, are drop- dead
gorgeous, help with the housework, and have a strong romantic streak.
She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor and the sign

Floor 6 - You are visitor 4,363,012 to this floor. There are no men on
this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are
impossible to please.

Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store. Watch your step as you
exit the building, and have a nice day!

I like your thinking

The teacher asks her class, "If there are 5 birds sitting on a fence and you shoot one of them, how many will be left?" She calls on B rooklyn Tony.He replies, "None, they will all fly away with the first gunshot."The teacher replies, "The correct answer is 4, but I like your thinking."Then Brooklyn Tony says, "I have a question for YOU. There are 3 women sitting on a bench having ice cream: One is delicately licking the sides of the triple scoop of ice cream. The second is gobbling down the top and sucking the cone. The third is biting off the top of the ice cream. Which one is married?"The teacher, blushing a great deal, replied, "Well, I suppose the one that's gobbled down the top and sucked the cone."To which Brooklyn Tony replied, "The correct answer is 'the one with the wedding ring on,' but I like your thinking."

Monday, April 28, 2008

Dick Gregory Speech

This is a moving speech, if you have minute please listen, you will enjoy!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

How to Identify a Stroke

During a BBQ a woman stumbled and took a little fall - she assuredeveryone that she was fine (they offered to call paramedics) and just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes. They got her cleaned upand got her a new plate of food - while she appeared a bit shaken up,Ingrid went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening. Ingrid'shusband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken tothe hospital - (at 6:00pm, Ingrid passed away.) She had suffered astroke at the BBQ - had they known how to identify the signs of a strokeperhaps Ingrid would be with us today.

It only takes a minute to read this-Recognizing a StrokeA neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hourshe can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed an getting to the patient within 3 hours which is tough. RECOGNIZING A STROKE Thank God for the sense to remember the "3" steps. Read and Learn! Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately ,the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may sufferbrain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of astroke.

Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:

1. *Ask the individual to SMILE.
2. *Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.
3. *Ask the person to SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently) (i.e. . . Itis sunny out today) If he or she has trouble with any of these tasks,call 9-1-1 immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher. After discovering that a group of non-medical volunteers could identifyfacial weakness, arm weakness and speech problems, researchers urged the general public to learn the three questions. They presented their conclusions at the American Stroke Association's annual meeting last February.

Widespread use of this test could result in prompt diagnosis and treatment of the stroke and prevent brain damage.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Locked up for a crime you didn't commit...

Could you ever just imagine that you were driving your car and was stopped by police for a crime you did not commit? They lock you up and accuse you, but you have no alibi. Put you in a line up and someone picks you out as the murderer. Coincidence would have it that the vehicle even matched yours. They have yelled and screamed at you so much that that you did it that you begin to think maybe I did... You get a lawyer, pick a jury get found guilty in less than a week. .Then the Judge sentence you to 40 years to life... Years and years go by with you saying I didn't do it but your cry goes unheard.
Then one day, a lawyer for another man who recently died in prison is ready to bare his soul that his client actual committed the crime but because of confidentiality he could not tell then but since he is dead , he can now. He kept the sealed affidavit in an envelope stored in a locked box, for 26 years.
Seem hard to believe that anything like that could ever happen? Well it did, and it happen to Alton Logan. I am sad to say that he is still in prison as of April 2008 waiting to go back to court to get released. I am sure that if he does, the state of Illinois owes Mr Logan a lottery ticket.
See how easy it was to make a mistake, that could have happened to me last night or last week. I'm just wonder how many times has it happened in the last 26 years?

The Lies police tell when they Kill.

The simplicity of this story is that another black man was murdered and the Courts justified it. A pattern of abuse of police power in the black community continues to happen one way or the other. Either through grossly disproporationate sentences or absolutely nothing at all! So who cares if 50 shots were fired, or that the officers had to reload and keep shooting into a car with unharmed men! The barrage of bullets probably resembled that of a firing squad. Was this a conspiracy to murder Shawn Bell? Over and over I keep asking myself who was he. What prompted the undercover officers who were at a strip club, to actually be listening to Bell and his friends, to hear that he said "get my gun". Then follow Bell out to his car and yell police freeze with no apparent motive.

New York continues to have a pattern with black men and police and all murders are justified when it involves the police. When is enough, enough? Sure we can rally and protest too, but until the search comes from within the system, no man or woman is safe. I can remember when they beat Rodney King over and over, then kicked and hit him. Rodney had acquired a charge of assault on a police officer and resisting arrest. The charges would have stuck too except one person had a video camera and had filmed it. Now what was resisting arrest turn out to be officers being fired and sued for their assault on Rodney. Unfortunately no video was captured and now it falls on their words against the police, the police won!
So don't take my word for it the next time you hear about a police shooting of a black man he died look at the excuses and see if they resemble these.
The Top Lies police give when they Kill a Black Man

1. Feared for my life.
2. Thought he had a gun.
3. He ran
4. He reached for something.
5. I saw something flash in the dark.
6. He looked like a gang member.

Women having sex with students

Court are cracking down on women, especially teachers, who have sex with under-age boys. In the past few months at least seven women, four of them teachers, have been charged or sentenced. The flurry of prosecutions follows the sex-abuse scandal in the Roman Catholic Church. Experts say that the trend reflects a growing recognition that sexual abuse of boys can be just as serious as that of girls. However, the courts are reluctant to punish women as harshly as men convicted of similar crimes. Whereas male abusers of girls routinely receive sentences of 15 to 20 years, women often avoid jail. “Many people in society feel boys should want sex and it’s not harmful, and girls should not want sex and it is harmful. “The reality is, in both cases it’s illegal, it’s harmful and it’s wrong.” The recent prosecutions of teachers follow the celebrated case of Mary Kay Letourneau, a primary school instructor whose affair with a boy she met when he was 12 produced two daughters. Letourneau, now 42, finally married the boy, who is now 21, after serving seven years in jail for child rape. This month Debra Lafave, 25, a middle-school teacher in Florida, avoided jail by striking a deal that will put her under house arrest for three years for having sex repeatedly with a 14-year-old pupil. Sandra Geisel, 42, was sentenced to six months in jail for having sex with a 16-year-old pupil in upstate New York. Margaret De Barraicua, 31, will spend a year in prison after being found with a 16-year-old remedial student in her parked car behind their school in Sacramento, California. A fourth teacher, Kimberly Ann Cordrey-McKinney, 32, was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old pupil after authorities discovered incriminating text messages. Nicole Barnhart, 36, a teacher from Colorado, is facing sexual assault charges after being discovered with a 16-year-old pupil she said had “begged” her to have sex with him. Move over, Mrs. Robinson. The new public enemy is the bespectacled babe who teaches our kids math in the classroom and sex in the parking lot. Dozens of female teachers have been caught with male students in recent years, and the airwaves are full of outrage that we're letting them off the hook. The statement of double standard" and "slap on the wrist" are common when dealing with woment having sex with boys. "Why is it when a man rapes a little girl, he goes to jail,""but when a woman rapes a boy, she had a breakdown?"

Stars That Died

Today we lost

News flash