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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe the Plumber is not really a Plumber?

Joe the Plumber is not exactly a plumber and he's "not even close", he's actually a Plumbers Apprentice hoping to one day make it to the big league. Wurzelbacher, 34, told the Associated Press that he was not a licensed plumber. Because he works for a small company that does residential work, he said, he doesn't need to be licensed.

Joe Wurzelbacher of Holland, Ohio, has become an overnight sensation since Republican John McCain made him famous in his presidential debate. McCain mentioned him more than 20 times to use him as a symbol of hard-working Americans who would be hurt by Obama's tax policies.

Obama and Wurzelbacher met earlier in the week in Toledo, where Wurzelbacher said Obama's plans to raise taxes on those making $250,000 a year or more would penalize him in his plans to buy the plumbing business for which he works. But does Joe really need to worry? Because if he's the same Joe that ABC News identified as Sam Joe Wurzelbacher, also of Toledo, Ohio, he doesn't always bother to pay his taxes.

Wurzelbacher has been on Fox News, interviewed by CBS's Katie Couric and appeared on ABC's "Good Morning America."

I find this odd that McCain campaign didn't vet 'Joe the Plumber"??? JtP was going to be the centerpiece of his 'comeback' debate with Obama and the campaign didn't even check to see if he was a licensed plumber? Did they know that he's not even registered to vote?
After the lack of vetting of Sarah Palin came back to bite them, you'd think they would have learned their lesson. Is this anyway to run a campaign? Do you want these guy to be running the country? These are Bush league mistakes. America deserves better.
Joe the unlicensed plumber is either a complete and utter moron,incapable of understanding even the simplest math problem, or he is a mccain campaign plant. If this yahoo is not bright enough to figure out that he is much better off under Obama's tax plan than under McCain's plan, then it is no surprise that he can't pass the plumbers exam. FLUSH............

I feel sorry for the guy. He's going to be chewed up, spit out and forgotten. McCain's people thought they were being clever, but in the end they'll look like bumbling fools.

He also sounded concerned about the attention he is receiving. "I'm completely flabbergasted with this whole thing and just hope I'm not making too much of a fool of myself and hope I can get my message out there," he said.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The wrong use of "terrorist"

The term "terrorist" is loaded, and it would be disingenuous to suggest otherwise. It brings to mind swarthy Middle Eastern Islamic radicals bent on our destruction as evidenced by 9/11. It does not bring to mind a white hippie anti-war '60's radical, which is what Ayers was. The use of the word "terrorist" in regard to Ayers is outside of the historical narrative. Never before have I heard anyone use the word "terrorist" to describe '60's radicals who resorted to violence. But it is obvious that the McCain campaign chose to use word "terrorist" as a way to frighten people and remind them of the people who tried to destroy us. No one in their right mind would ever suggest that a '60's radical is a threat to anyone in 21st century America. But a "terrorist", well that is a big open wound in this country.
So Palin says Obama is "palling around with terrorists." Note the present tense and the plural noun. She is suggesting that he is currently in cahoots with multiple terrorists. Plus she said that Obama thinks that he sees America as so flawed that he associates with said terrorists. "He does not see America as you and I do," she said, meaning "he's not like us." Coupled with the fact that their surrogates emphasized his middle name, Hussein, which coincides with the last name of the Middle Eastern dictator we recently deposed, and John McCain's repeated question "Who is the real Barack Obama?" And their suggestion that Obama's campaign funding may have from the Middle East or Muslims. Plus their online propaganda campaign which says Obama is a Muslim, that he is not an American citizen, that he is somehow associated with other anti-American people, issues, or forces. When you take all this together it is inescapable that the are using racism and xenophobia to tell Americans to be afraid of Barack Obama. They cannot afford to make it a straight white/black thing, because they couldn't get away from it. They cannot overtly call Obama the "N" word and tell people not to vote for an "N," but they can surely put the dots out their and hope that people connect them. As Chris Matthews put it, McCain-Palin wants the voters to do their "dirty work" for them. And as we saw at McCain's town hall on Friday, people surely connected the dots, as evidenced by the guy saying he is afraid of an Obama presidency and the now (in)famous old lady who said she could not trust Obama because he is an "Arab." Combined to the various people at their rallies who have called Obama a "terrorist" or shouted "treason," "Off with his head," and "kill him." Are you saying that these people pulled this out of nowhere?
As for Obama not denouncing non-Christians as you think he should, I don't know which Bible you've read, but mine does not say that. My church never preached that. According to Christ, the highest commandment is to love, love you’re God and love others. That means everyone, and there are no preconditions for this love. The Bible goes further to say that those who say they love God, but hate their brothers are liars. It is harsher still and says that those who hate others are "murderers." Out of the two tickets, I would say that Obama and Biden have showed more Christian behavior than McCain-Palin. As for McCain-Palin, I'm afraid that Christ would offer them the term he often called the religious-political leaders of the time, and it is "hypocrite."

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

How do you abuse your power, but did nothing wrong?

I have to ask this question of how can Palin be found guilty of unlawfully abusing her power as Alaska’s governor by firing her former brother-in-law who was a state trooper. This is a from a ethics committee (Bipartisan , both Dems and GOP) investigation.. She did nothing wrong in firing him, but the procedure that she used to lead up to the firing was a direct violation of an abuse of power. I find it quite unique that Limbaugh and Hannity have refused to mention anything about her abuse of power! Being impartial does not count against these guys... So when will we find out what she actually did wrong?

Monday, October 13, 2008

Sarah Palin Debate chart!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Death Threats, I think thats against the law?

At one point in time when you would have a rally of whites band together to express their hate of blacks, that was normal called a klan meeting! So I can understand why David Duke would attended such a meeting. Although when I am at a presidential Rally for McCain and Palin and a member in a angry crowds yelled out the following on Obama: "off with his head" and "kill him". To say those words about a member of Congress is itself a Federal offense. The persons who said those words at these rallies should have been arrested on the spot.

Why when a black man is subjected this kind of abuse he is PLAYING THE RACE CARD. The fact that McCain or Palin did nothing to respond to these Federal offenses also makes them guilty of abetting the criminal behavior.
You see through history when these actions happened before it was not a problem, now its different...Don't let because they don't have sheets on their head now overshadow that it is still a HATE, which is a CRIME!!!

The FBI needs to be brought in now -- these rallies should be highly secured and any individual who act like this should be arrested...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Why Does it matter?

Does it matter that Sen. Barack Obama received contributions from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac employees? Why does it not matter that John McCain received contribution from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac employees as well.

Does it matter that Republican can make claims that they can'nt prove? Then automatically assume that everyone will believe them because the Republicans said so?

Why does it matter that Franklin Raines is serving as Obama economic adviser, is it because of the 500 million in campaign contribution that he raised for one month?

Why does it matter that he knew Tony Rezko? Does it matter that their is no known link to Rezko now?

Why does it matter that he has a half brother who lives in a hut in Kenya?

Does it matter that the issue of ACORN is nothing more than speculation at this stage and there's always the possibility (I consider it a certainty) that the investigation will turn out to be an election gimmick concocted by unscrupulouos people who know full well it's a lot of bull.

Does it matter that ACORN is now being investigated for voter fraud? Does it matter that Obama is not directly tied to Acorn now? Does it matter that being "under investigation" in the USA does not yet constitute guilt and a trial can always end with a verdict of guilt ("innocent until proven guilty", right?). The truth will come out (and probably be ignored by you) only after the damage is done. That's what an election gimmick is for.

Does it matter that Obama sat on a board with William Ayers for the Woods Fund of Chicago? Does it matter that Ayers is a successful college Professor who has written over 8 books? Does it matter that Ayers and Obama have no current association?

Does it matter that Obama was able to sit under the pastorate of Jeremiah Wright for 20 years while Wright spewed anti-American rhetoric? Does it matter that of 20 years of preaching over 7,300 sermons that they were only able to find 1 sermon of anti-american rhetoric?

Does it matter that is all guilt by association? Why does it matter now? None of the people that created all the controverse in the pass are part in his future...So why does it matter?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Where does he get this stuff?

"Obama's secret that you don't know is that his tax increases will increase taxes on 50 percent of small business revenue." I can not believe this guy, where does he get his information from?

My tax plan increase will affect "only a few percent of small businesses who make more than $250,000 a year. So, the vast majority of small businesses would get a tax cut under my plan." TRUE...AND TRUE: Only 4.3 percent of the total U.S. businesses are small businesses that make more than $250,000 a year, according to tax data. It's also possible that a majority of "small business revenue" comes from these firms. Obama is referring to the number of firms, McCain is referring to the concentration of revenue at the top end of the small business food chain. Both managed to make the facts work for their arguments.

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