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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Through others eyes

Have you ever imagined what you looked like through others eyes? How do they see you? The way you really are, or as you are thought to be? Surely no one would judge me simply on outer appearance? That's like judging a book simply by the cover. How quickly I forget, we are human and prone to make mistakes. Or is their someone who can cast the first stone?

I asked myself a question, which I was not sure theire was an answer. If I glanced at a person for 3 seconds or more could I know who that person was? I mean their physical appearance is attractive, but could I see what was really in their heart? I don't know, in reallity it would probably be more of an assumption, and we all knows what happens when we assume, right?
I finally figured out what I look in others eyes, so I could sum it up in just a few words. I am kind, loving, considerate, one of a kind, arrogant, handsome, determined, rational, and loving. So the reason I know how I look in others eyes, is because my mirror don't lie!!!

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