Do you know what a hate crime is? A hate occur when a perpetrator targets a victim because of his or her membership in a certain social group, usually defined by racial group, religion, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, nationality, age, gender, gender identity, or political affiliation.[1] The reason that I choose to write this article is because they considered a noose around a Palin manikin as a hate crime…I think that the only crime that the young jerks that hung that manikin up is ‘ignorance’! Now on the other hand I can understand why the noose around a black manikin head indicating that it’s Obama would be considered a hate crime. How quickly conservative’s memory has lapsed… How did they forget about all the lynching committed in the southern states against black people? Are you all that insensitive, did you really forget? Did you know that thousands of black men, women and children have been lynched? Did you know that the racial hatred that was thrust upon the black men and women of the world was done to them simply because some white guys got a royal hair up his ass and wanted to go out and make a point? It disturbs me that a white manikin hanging in the air is considered to be a hate crime. If you reviewed history I don’t think you could find a single case of white men getting drunk then going out and stringing up a white woman for kicks! Some how I just can not imagine that happening. But if we were to look back in time I do believe history could repeat itself with someone attempting a hate crime on Obama… Hint, hint the black manikin hanging in the air! Let’s be realistic, if you had a sure hand which one would you bet your last dollar on? Hatred on Palin or Obama?

Every day, we wake up with a choice. We can choose to embrace the day as a new opportunity to learn, grow, and make a positive impact on the world, or we can let fear, doubt, and negativity hold us back. It's easy to get caught up in the challenges and obstacles we face, but it's important to remember that these challenges are what shape us into who we are. Each obstacle is a chance to learn something new, to become stronger, more resilient, and more capable than we were before. But we don't hav
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Thursday, October 30, 2008
Noose around Palin manikin is not a Hate Crime
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The word Nig**r is yelled at a Palin Rally
How can she act like she did not hear that? That lets me know she is okay with the N word and she does not mind the hate that comes out of it.
Vote for Who ever you like
The message is clear and very well defined.. You can vote for who ever you like!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Hannity wining about Obama
For the last year in a half Hannity has initiated a barrage of attacks on Obama chacter, with no impunity for the truth. He has attacked Ayers, Wright, Accorn claiming that Obama should not have associated with them! The fact that Obama has mentioned Hannity's name sents him into fits, that Obama is attacking him. Okay Hannity let me get this straight you dedicate a 3 hour show 5 days a week to attacking Obama. Then he mentions your name and that is an attack? I pity you as a conservative talk show host, you complain that the news media is bias... Although daily you blow the Palin/McCain horn... I thought you know this but Palin is running for Vice-President, not President. You give so many accolades to Palin, that if I had a dime for how many times that you mentioned her name I would be a very rich man tight now!
I understand that you don't want an Obama in office, but why? Your attacks of how much better that the economy will be with McCain in office is not the case at all. If I did not know better I would swear that you are writing talking points for Palin/McClain! I think that it is sad that they repeat your words of attack verbatim. The great thing about your show, it allows many people get to see just how you think! The unmitigated gawl of you to simply think that your thoughts are going to enhance the world to new levels blows me away... Could you do me one favor Hannity, could you tell me why I should vote for McCain without saying Obama's name?
I understand that you don't want an Obama in office, but why? Your attacks of how much better that the economy will be with McCain in office is not the case at all. If I did not know better I would swear that you are writing talking points for Palin/McClain! I think that it is sad that they repeat your words of attack verbatim. The great thing about your show, it allows many people get to see just how you think! The unmitigated gawl of you to simply think that your thoughts are going to enhance the world to new levels blows me away... Could you do me one favor Hannity, could you tell me why I should vote for McCain without saying Obama's name?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Did you know how to get a good price when you buy a car?

I received a question the other day about how to buy a car and get a good price.
So Sandy ask me "How can she get a good price when she buys a car"? So because I used to sell car I will share a few things for the common buyer to know
Did you know that when a car sits on a car lot longer than a month that the dealership has to pay interest on that unit until it is sold?
Did you know that a smaller dealership is less likely to haggle on price.
Did you know that the more elite the car the less likely they will be willing to negotiating the price.
Did you know that a dealership that does a lot of advertising are more willing to work with you as far negotiating a price.
Did you know when dealerships advertise to sell a car at a great price, that they are trying to move that car?
Did you know what every car dealership has a Pack? A pack is what a dealership figures as a added cost to fix minor problems on a car.
Did you know that the price the dealership paid for the car is added with the pack.The price of the car + pack = total price.
Did you know that the Total Price is what most dealership will sell a car for, although if you are really set on your price negotiate to not pay the pack...
Did you know when you purchase a brand new car you loose 25% of what you paid for the car?
Did you know that if you purchased a brand new car drove it off the lot and came back the next day and tried to sell the car you paid $30,000 dollars for that the dealership would offer you about $22,000 dollars for that same car?
Did you know that you can buy a pre-owned car with 5 to 10,000 miles, can save you as much as 8 to 10,000 off the retail price.
Did you know that the absolute best time to buy a car is when the new models are coming out, that is September /October.
What do I need to know when I am ready to buy?
Did you know that you should always do your homework before buying any car... Know the value of your car and the value of the car you interested in. That way they don't steal your trade.
Did you know that stealing a trade is when the dealership offers you less money for your trade, than its actually worth!
Did you know that you should always have a car fax done on any car that you buy?
Did you know that if you buy a car "as is" you are still protected by the Lemon Law?
Did you know to never discuss the trade-in until after you have agreed on a purchase price. Also keep in mind that you may receive more money selling your present car privately than by trading it in.
Did you know to always test drive the car. Make sure you test it on hills, highways, and stop-and-go traffic. Check out its heating, defrosting and air conditioning systems and make sure all electronic features are working well.
Did you know to not sign any agreement with blank spaces. Make sure all items are filled in correctly and that you receive copies of the paperwork.
Did you know that you should always get all agreements for fixing things something broke in writing, without that its your word against theirs!
So Sandy ask me "How can she get a good price when she buys a car"? So because I used to sell car I will share a few things for the common buyer to know
Did you know that when a car sits on a car lot longer than a month that the dealership has to pay interest on that unit until it is sold?
Did you know that a smaller dealership is less likely to haggle on price.
Did you know that the more elite the car the less likely they will be willing to negotiating the price.
Did you know that a dealership that does a lot of advertising are more willing to work with you as far negotiating a price.
Did you know when dealerships advertise to sell a car at a great price, that they are trying to move that car?
Did you know what every car dealership has a Pack? A pack is what a dealership figures as a added cost to fix minor problems on a car.
Did you know that the price the dealership paid for the car is added with the pack.The price of the car + pack = total price.
Did you know that the Total Price is what most dealership will sell a car for, although if you are really set on your price negotiate to not pay the pack...
Did you know when you purchase a brand new car you loose 25% of what you paid for the car?
Did you know that if you purchased a brand new car drove it off the lot and came back the next day and tried to sell the car you paid $30,000 dollars for that the dealership would offer you about $22,000 dollars for that same car?
Did you know that you can buy a pre-owned car with 5 to 10,000 miles, can save you as much as 8 to 10,000 off the retail price.
Did you know that the absolute best time to buy a car is when the new models are coming out, that is September /October.
What do I need to know when I am ready to buy?
Did you know that you should always do your homework before buying any car... Know the value of your car and the value of the car you interested in. That way they don't steal your trade.
Did you know that stealing a trade is when the dealership offers you less money for your trade, than its actually worth!
Did you know that you should always have a car fax done on any car that you buy?
Did you know that if you buy a car "as is" you are still protected by the Lemon Law?
Did you know to never discuss the trade-in until after you have agreed on a purchase price. Also keep in mind that you may receive more money selling your present car privately than by trading it in.
Did you know to always test drive the car. Make sure you test it on hills, highways, and stop-and-go traffic. Check out its heating, defrosting and air conditioning systems and make sure all electronic features are working well.
Did you know to not sign any agreement with blank spaces. Make sure all items are filled in correctly and that you receive copies of the paperwork.
Did you know that you should always get all agreements for fixing things something broke in writing, without that its your word against theirs!
Monday, October 20, 2008

A hillbilly farmer who wanted to get a divorce paid a visit to a lawyer. Thelawyer said, 'How can I help you?' The farmer said, 'I want to get one ofthem dayvorces.' The lawyer said, 'Do you have any grounds?' The farmer said, 'Yes, I got 40acres' The lawyer said, 'No, No, you don't understand, Do you have a suit? The farmer said, 'Yes, I got a suit, I wears it to church on Sundays.' The lawyer said, 'No, no, I mean, do you have a case?' The farmer said, 'No, I ain't got a Case, but I got a John Deere. The lawyer said, 'No, I mean, do you have a grudge?' The farmer said,'Yes, I got a grudge, that's where I parks the John Deere' The lawyer said, 'Does your wife beat you up or something?' The farmer said,'No, we both get up at 4:30.'By now the lawyer is getting frustrated but tries one last question .The lawyer said, 'Is your wife a nagger?' The farmer said, 'No, she's a little white gal, but our last child was a nagger and that's why I wants a dayvorce.'
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Barack Obama picked up at least 17 newspaper endorsements

Barack Obama picked up at least 17 newspaper endorsements this weekend, including six in swing states Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina, and Missouri. John McCain, as far as we know, gained The Wheeling News-Register in West Virginia and the Napa Valley Register in California. Sen.
McCain's campaign has been as disappointing as his move toward party orthodoxy. More than his opponent, he has run a relentless stream of commercials that have been discredited by nonpartisan fact-checkers. He has articulated no vision for the country other than to suggest that it should believe in him as an individual, as a war hero of independent judgment.
Over the past nine months, Mr. Obama, the junior senator from Illinois, has emerged as the only truly transformative candidate in the race. In the crucible that is a presidential campaign, his intellect, his temperament and equanimity under pressure consistently have been impressive. He has surrounded himself with smart, capable advisers who have helped him refine thorough, nuanced policy positions.
Obama represents a new direction. He has shown he can inspire and lead people to action. And his relatively short time in corrupt, self-absorbed, terribly-failed Washington, D.C., may actually be a key strength. Obama is not stuck in the status quo of the Capitol crowd or its long-failed Congress. America is at a pivotal point in its history — a difficult time that demands talented leadership to renew our nation's spirit and pull us together to meet the incredible challenges ahead.
Obama doesn't just give pretty speeches. He speaks to people's best instincts, encouraging them to shine. The right leader for the time is Barack Obama.
In a word, Mr. Obama has represented himself as presidential. more
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Joe the Plumber is not really a Plumber?

Joe the Plumber is not exactly a plumber and he's "not even close", he's actually a Plumbers Apprentice hoping to one day make it to the big league. Wurzelbacher, 34, told the Associated Press that he was not a licensed plumber. Because he works for a small company that does residential work, he said, he doesn't need to be licensed.
Joe Wurzelbacher of Holland, Ohio, has become an overnight sensation since Republican John McCain made him famous in his presidential debate. McCain mentioned him more than 20 times to use him as a symbol of hard-working Americans who would be hurt by Obama's tax policies.
Obama and Wurzelbacher met earlier in the week in Toledo, where Wurzelbacher said Obama's plans to raise taxes on those making $250,000 a year or more would penalize him in his plans to buy the plumbing business for which he works. But does Joe really need to worry? Because if he's the same Joe that ABC News identified as Sam Joe Wurzelbacher, also of Toledo, Ohio, he doesn't always bother to pay his taxes.
Wurzelbacher has been on Fox News, interviewed by CBS's Katie Couric and appeared on ABC's "Good Morning America."
I find this odd that McCain campaign didn't vet 'Joe the Plumber"??? JtP was going to be the centerpiece of his 'comeback' debate with Obama and the campaign didn't even check to see if he was a licensed plumber? Did they know that he's not even registered to vote?
After the lack of vetting of Sarah Palin came back to bite them, you'd think they would have learned their lesson. Is this anyway to run a campaign? Do you want these guy to be running the country? These are Bush league mistakes. America deserves better.
Joe the unlicensed plumber is either a complete and utter moron,incapable of understanding even the simplest math problem, or he is a mccain campaign plant. If this yahoo is not bright enough to figure out that he is much better off under Obama's tax plan than under McCain's plan, then it is no surprise that he can't pass the plumbers exam. FLUSH............
I feel sorry for the guy. He's going to be chewed up, spit out and forgotten. McCain's people thought they were being clever, but in the end they'll look like bumbling fools.
He also sounded concerned about the attention he is receiving. "I'm completely flabbergasted with this whole thing and just hope I'm not making too much of a fool of myself and hope I can get my message out there," he said.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The wrong use of "terrorist"

The term "terrorist" is loaded, and it would be disingenuous to suggest otherwise. It brings to mind swarthy Middle Eastern Islamic radicals bent on our destruction as evidenced by 9/11. It does not bring to mind a white hippie anti-war '60's radical, which is what Ayers was. The use of the word "terrorist" in regard to Ayers is outside of the historical narrative. Never before have I heard anyone use the word "terrorist" to describe '60's radicals who resorted to violence. But it is obvious that the McCain campaign chose to use word "terrorist" as a way to frighten people and remind them of the people who tried to destroy us. No one in their right mind would ever suggest that a '60's radical is a threat to anyone in 21st century America. But a "terrorist", well that is a big open wound in this country.
So Palin says Obama is "palling around with terrorists." Note the present tense and the plural noun. She is suggesting that he is currently in cahoots with multiple terrorists. Plus she said that Obama thinks that he sees America as so flawed that he associates with said terrorists. "He does not see America as you and I do," she said, meaning "he's not like us." Coupled with the fact that their surrogates emphasized his middle name, Hussein, which coincides with the last name of the Middle Eastern dictator we recently deposed, and John McCain's repeated question "Who is the real Barack Obama?" And their suggestion that Obama's campaign funding may have from the Middle East or Muslims. Plus their online propaganda campaign which says Obama is a Muslim, that he is not an American citizen, that he is somehow associated with other anti-American people, issues, or forces. When you take all this together it is inescapable that the are using racism and xenophobia to tell Americans to be afraid of Barack Obama. They cannot afford to make it a straight white/black thing, because they couldn't get away from it. They cannot overtly call Obama the "N" word and tell people not to vote for an "N," but they can surely put the dots out their and hope that people connect them. As Chris Matthews put it, McCain-Palin wants the voters to do their "dirty work" for them. And as we saw at McCain's town hall on Friday, people surely connected the dots, as evidenced by the guy saying he is afraid of an Obama presidency and the now (in)famous old lady who said she could not trust Obama because he is an "Arab." Combined to the various people at their rallies who have called Obama a "terrorist" or shouted "treason," "Off with his head," and "kill him." Are you saying that these people pulled this out of nowhere?
As for Obama not denouncing non-Christians as you think he should, I don't know which Bible you've read, but mine does not say that. My church never preached that. According to Christ, the highest commandment is to love, love you’re God and love others. That means everyone, and there are no preconditions for this love. The Bible goes further to say that those who say they love God, but hate their brothers are liars. It is harsher still and says that those who hate others are "murderers." Out of the two tickets, I would say that Obama and Biden have showed more Christian behavior than McCain-Palin. As for McCain-Palin, I'm afraid that Christ would offer them the term he often called the religious-political leaders of the time, and it is "hypocrite."
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
How do you abuse your power, but did nothing wrong?

I have to ask this question of how can Palin be found guilty of unlawfully abusing her power as Alaska’s governor by firing her former brother-in-law who was a state trooper. This is a from a ethics committee (Bipartisan , both Dems and GOP) investigation.. She did nothing wrong in firing him, but the procedure that she used to lead up to the firing was a direct violation of an abuse of power. I find it quite unique that Limbaugh and Hannity have refused to mention anything about her abuse of power! Being impartial does not count against these guys... So when will we find out what she actually did wrong?
Monday, October 13, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Death Threats, I think thats against the law?

At one point in time when you would have a rally of whites band together to express their hate of blacks, that was normal called a klan meeting! So I can understand why David Duke would attended such a meeting. Although when I am at a presidential Rally for McCain and Palin and a member in a angry crowds yelled out the following on Obama: "off with his head" and "kill him". To say those words about a member of Congress is itself a Federal offense. The persons who said those words at these rallies should have been arrested on the spot.
Why when a black man is subjected this kind of abuse he is PLAYING THE RACE CARD. The fact that McCain or Palin did nothing to respond to these Federal offenses also makes them guilty of abetting the criminal behavior.
You see through history when these actions happened before it was not a problem, now its different...Don't let because they don't have sheets on their head now overshadow that it is still a HATE, which is a CRIME!!!
The FBI needs to be brought in now -- these rallies should be highly secured and any individual who act like this should be arrested...
Friday, October 10, 2008
Why Does it matter?

Does it matter that Sen. Barack Obama received contributions from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac employees? Why does it not matter that John McCain received contribution from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac employees as well.
Does it matter that Republican can make claims that they can'nt prove? Then automatically assume that everyone will believe them because the Republicans said so?
Why does it matter that Franklin Raines is serving as Obama economic adviser, is it because of the 500 million in campaign contribution that he raised for one month?
Why does it matter that he knew Tony Rezko? Does it matter that their is no known link to Rezko now?
Why does it matter that he has a half brother who lives in a hut in Kenya?
Does it matter that the issue of ACORN is nothing more than speculation at this stage and there's always the possibility (I consider it a certainty) that the investigation will turn out to be an election gimmick concocted by unscrupulouos people who know full well it's a lot of bull.
Does it matter that ACORN is now being investigated for voter fraud? Does it matter that Obama is not directly tied to Acorn now? Does it matter that being "under investigation" in the USA does not yet constitute guilt and a trial can always end with a verdict of guilt ("innocent until proven guilty", right?). The truth will come out (and probably be ignored by you) only after the damage is done. That's what an election gimmick is for.
Does it matter that Obama sat on a board with William Ayers for the Woods Fund of Chicago? Does it matter that Ayers is a successful college Professor who has written over 8 books? Does it matter that Ayers and Obama have no current association?
Does it matter that Obama was able to sit under the pastorate of Jeremiah Wright for 20 years while Wright spewed anti-American rhetoric? Does it matter that of 20 years of preaching over 7,300 sermons that they were only able to find 1 sermon of anti-american rhetoric?
Does it matter that is all guilt by association? Why does it matter now? None of the people that created all the controverse in the pass are part in his future...So why does it matter?
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Where does he get this stuff?
"Obama's secret that you don't know is that his tax increases will increase taxes on 50 percent of small business revenue." I can not believe this guy, where does he get his information from?
My tax plan increase will affect "only a few percent of small businesses who make more than $250,000 a year. So, the vast majority of small businesses would get a tax cut under my plan." TRUE...AND TRUE: Only 4.3 percent of the total U.S. businesses are small businesses that make more than $250,000 a year, according to tax data. It's also possible that a majority of "small business revenue" comes from these firms. Obama is referring to the number of firms, McCain is referring to the concentration of revenue at the top end of the small business food chain. Both managed to make the facts work for their arguments.

My tax plan increase will affect "only a few percent of small businesses who make more than $250,000 a year. So, the vast majority of small businesses would get a tax cut under my plan." TRUE...AND TRUE: Only 4.3 percent of the total U.S. businesses are small businesses that make more than $250,000 a year, according to tax data. It's also possible that a majority of "small business revenue" comes from these firms. Obama is referring to the number of firms, McCain is referring to the concentration of revenue at the top end of the small business food chain. Both managed to make the facts work for their arguments.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The truth about Acorn and Barack

Discredited Republican voter-suppression expert Ken Blackwell has gone on TV lately with some wild accusations against Barack about a non-existent connection with the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, also known as ACORN.
The accusations have no basis in fact.
The truth is that Barack was never a community organizer or trainer for ACORN, and he was never employed by ACORN in any other capacity. ACORN was not part of the historic voter registration drive that Barack led.
Get more information and help spread the truth about Barack Obama:
Together we can make sure these deceitful and false attacks don't affect this election.
Thanks for your help.
Let he who has not sinned throw the first stone.

How could in good conscious can all the the conservative media, keep sling Obama propaganda, and think it is okay? Is this hard hitting material that is being revisited against Obama going to be used in poor judgment? When does supporting these efforts and attacks become weak and ineffective?
Hannity and Limbaugh has went into overtime mode attacking Obama by any means necessary. All attacks thus far has failed. Now they and other conservative talk show host are back with a vengeance to beat down Obama. Spending every moment they are own the radio(generally 3 hours) attacking Obama. How many ways can you spin Bill Ayers? I mean he is a college a college professor that turned his life around. Can he not make a mistake. So the time that he served in prison did not amount for anything? Jeremiah Wright is another one who is being attacked, I listened to several of his sermons, and has a black man I can relate to what was being said, a small percentage I was left out their. Its funny, 99% of the time that conservatives don't get it. To them Wright and David Duke are in the same category???? One preaches good and one works to administer only good to whites! Limbaugh had his little feelings hurt when the Mexican comment got misconstrued... He went to great means to correct the mistake that he had made. Hannity has had connections with racist as well...
With so many real problems that we experience with the down ward serge of the economy, how in good conscious can we simply excuse and ignore the world crumbling around us to attack the chactor of these individual. So what will be the determination on how the long list of problems , and how they will be fixed? What will be the criteria for president??? Who ever slang the best mud???Is this who people really want running our country? Regardless of your race or political party, this is unacceptable! There is no way we can ignored the facts. I do in good faith want these issues of the economy addressed immediately!
The hypocrisy of not trying to resolve issues of the U.S. economic difficulties does need to be address . The major drag on McCain's campaign is the fact that has resorted to attack and smear, when he should be explaining how he plans on resolving the issues at hand...
I live by this creed, that if you have sinned... How can you throw the first stone?
Monday, October 6, 2008
A drink of tea

One day my mother went out and left my dad in charge of me. I was maybe 2 1/2 years old and had just recovered from an accident. Someone had given me a little tea set as a get-well gift and it was one of my favourite toys.Daddy was in the living room engrossed in the evening news when I brought Daddy a little cup of 'tea', which was just water. After several cups of tea and lots of praise for such yummy tea, my Mum came home.My Dad made her wait in the living room to watch me bring him a cup of tea, because 'it was just the cutest thing!' My Mum waited and sure enough, I came down the hall with a cup of tea for Daddy. She watched him drink it up.Then she said, as only a mother could:
'Did it ever occur to you that the only place she can reach to get water is the toilet?'
Saturday, October 4, 2008
O.J. Simpson Found Guilty on All Charges in Robbery-Kidnap Trial

The 61-year-old former football star could spend the rest of his life in prison. Sentencing was set for Dec. 5. The Hall of Fame football star was convicted of kidnapping, armed robbery and 10 other charges for gathering up five men a year ago and storming into a room at a hotel-casino, where the group seized several game balls, plaques and photos. Prosecutors said two of the men with him were armed; one of them said Simpson asked him to bring a gun.
The verdict came 13 years to the day after Simpson was cleared of murdering his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ronald Goldman, in Los Angeles in one of the most sensational trials of the 20th century.
A weary and somber Simpson released a heavy sigh as the charges were read by the clerk in Clark County District Court. He was immediately taken into custody. more The Ojay of today is 61, if he would have sat his ass down and acted his age he would not be in this mess now!!
The verdict came 13 years to the day after Simpson was cleared of murdering his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ronald Goldman, in Los Angeles in one of the most sensational trials of the 20th century.
A weary and somber Simpson released a heavy sigh as the charges were read by the clerk in Clark County District Court. He was immediately taken into custody. more The Ojay of today is 61, if he would have sat his ass down and acted his age he would not be in this mess now!!
90-Year-Old Woman Shoots Herself Inside Foreclosed Home

Ohio - Three Summit County Sheriff's Deputies serving a foreclosure eviction notice to the 1100 block of Lacroix Avenue in Akron found a 90-year-old woman shot on the second floor of the home.It is unclear if the woman, Addie Polk, shot herself accidentally or if she was attempting suicide.According to officials with the Summit County Sheriff's Department, the deputies knocked on the woman's front door on Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. No one answered and as they were about to leave, they heard a noise coming from the second floor of the home. This situation could have easy been resolved if this lady would have been given a reverse mortgage. The lady could have received cash and the only time her balance would have come due.When the loan ends when the homeowner dies, sells the house, or, depending on the loan conditions, moves out of the house for 12 consecutive months (for example, to go into an assisted living home or due to physical or mental illness the borrower is not able to live in the property on which the loan has been taken). At that point, the reverse mortgage can be paid off with the proceeds of the sale of the house, or if the borrower has died, the property can be refinanced by the heirs of the homeowner's estate with a regular mortgage. If the proceeds exceed the loan amount including compounded interest and fees, the owner of the house receives the difference. If the owner has died, the heirs receive the difference. For cases where the proceeds are not sufficient to pay off the loan, then the bank (or insurance which the bank has on the loan) absorbs the difference.
The technical term for this cap on debt is "non-recourse limit." It means that the lender does not have legal recourse to anything other than the value of the home when the loan is to be paid off.[3]
In most cases when the borrower moves out of the property or dies, as long as the borrower (or his estate) provides proof to the lender that he/she is attempting to sell the home or obtain financing to pay off the outstanding debt, the investor will allow him up to one year to do so. After the one year extension period is up, the lender cannot provide any further extension of time to the borrower (or estate).
Friday, October 3, 2008
Liars In The Church

A preacher finished the service one morning by saying, 'Next Sunday, I am going to preach on the subject of liars. As a preparation for my sermon, I would like you all to read Mark 17.' On the following Sunday, the preacher rose to begin. Looking out at the congregation he said, 'Last week I asked you all to read Mark 17. If you have read the chapter, please raise your hand.' Nearly every hand in the congregation went up. Smiling, the preacher said, 'You are the very people I want to talk to. Mark has only 16 chapters.'
Did you know that Apple Threatens to Shut Down iTunes

Musicians and their labels want Apple to increase the amount they make per digital music download. Apple says they would rather shut down iTunes music store. They are turning down a request for an increase of six more cents per song for music publishers and songwriters.
Apple has insisted on keeping the price at 99 cents per download arguing that any price increase above that will make them unprofitable. The Copyright Royalty Board is scheduled to decide on the proposal by a three-person board appointed by the Librarian of Congress by Thursday. Music publishers want their cut to go from 9 cents to 15 cents per song - a 66 percent increase.
Digital downloads have been at the same rate for 12 years and at the the same rate as the sale of physical albums. The board will also raise royalties on physical albums and ringtones, “for the next five years.” I don’t know if that means in five years they will raise the rates higher.
Wired quotes Apple’s iTunes vice president Eddy Cue as saying:
“Apple has repeatedly made it clear that it is in this business to make money, and most likely would not continue to operate [the iTunes music store] if it were no longer possible to do so profitably.” more
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Court denies GOP appeal on Ohio early voting

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — The Ohio GOP suffered another legal defeat Tuesday, as a federal appeals court ruled against the party's appeal involving a disputed early voting window that allows Ohio voters to register and cast a ballot on the same day.
A three-judge panel of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati denied the Ohio GOP's request that, at the very least, ballots cast during the weeklong period be segregated from other ballots cast for the Nov. 4 presidential election.
A federal district judge in Columbus declined to rule on the matter Monday. The Ohio Supreme Court upheld the early voting window in a 4-3 decision the same day, while a federal judge in Cleveland also sided with Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner.
The appeals court noted that the lower district court did not rule on the matter of the voting window, and said the argument involves facts about how election officials handle absentee ballots that must first be presented to a lower court.
Bill Todd, a lead attorney for the Ohio GOP, said the party was discussing its options Tuesday night. It wasn't known whether they planned to further appeal.
The appeals court also gave Brunner a second victory, rejecting a GOP challenge to her advisory that county boards of elections weren't required to allow poll observers during early voting.
A federal judge in Columbus issued a temporary restraining order against Brunner's instructions Monday. But the appeals court overturned that ruling, saying the district court had abused its discretion in granting the order.
Thousands of Ohioans went to the polls Tuesday for the first day of early voting. Ohio's largest counties had several hundred voters each, and a small portion of them also registered Tuesday. JwD93HBGS80
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