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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Photo of controversial fly pver is released

CNN) -- The White House indicated Wednesday that a report and a photo from the controversial low-altitude New York flyover by a 747 plane used as Air Force One could be released this week.

A 911 caller on the day of the flyover said, "There's a plane falling. There is a big aircraft falling
Earlier, White House officials had said that there were no plans to release photos to the public.
But the tone seemed to change on Wednesday.
"The report, I believe, will be concluded at some point this week. We'll release its findings and release a photo," White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said during his daily press briefing.
The review, led by Deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina, will focus on "why that decision was made and to ensure that it never happens again," Gibbs said.
The flyover, officials said, was a training mission -- it was also a classified government-sanctioned photo shoot.
Military officials also estimate that the mission and the photo shoot, aimed updating file photos of Air Force One -- cost around $328,835 in taxpayer money. more

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