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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Jon Voight's Delusional Hate Filled Rant About Obama

Maybe I am missing the point of having health care for everyone. Although when I listen to Limbaugh, Hannity and several others they make it seems like Obama is the only person that wants nationalize health care. What does he have to gain from passing a bill to make it so? I thought that he was already a millionaire... So the benefit of Health care is...Is it true that the United States has 70% of the American people are without health care? So if that is really the case, why wouldn't people want health care?

1 comment:

WheelDweller said...

Excuse me..."hate filled rants"? Where? At what point were words of hate used? At what point did anyone run around like Ballmer when he yelled "Developers, Developers, Developers, Developers"?

There's not a drop of hate, here. Nor is it racist; Thomas Sowell is not only one of the best minds in America today, he's black.

But thanks for waking up: it's the first step in realizing there's something afoot, here.

The Community Reinvestment Act, a Clinton monstrosity, permitted *anyone* of ethnic background to ask for a loan, even without a chance of re-payment, and that person could complain to a congressman and close the bank. So guess what? They started making 'loans' for $200,000 at a time.

Guess what: the banks went under. Think that was an accident? No: it's how you, as a congressman, pretend capitalism had something to do with it, and crush it, so you can control it all your own.

Same for the car companies, same for healthcare.

To be fair, it's not really Obama who is doing this: it's congress. Obama is just the current BobbleHead of the Democratic National Convention.

Once *any* nation has control over the healthcare system, they're permitted to bypass the Constitution because, after all, they're paying for our health: they should decide.

This is disaster on a scale you won't believe. Keep watching Fox; the one, not-state-run media left.

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