Every day, we wake up with a choice. We can choose to embrace the day as a new opportunity to learn, grow, and make a positive impact on the world, or we can let fear, doubt, and negativity hold us back. It's easy to get caught up in the challenges and obstacles we face, but it's important to remember that these challenges are what shape us into who we are. Each obstacle is a chance to learn something new, to become stronger, more resilient, and more capable than we were before.
But we don't hav
The Memphis Police Department staged an undercover prostitution sting this weekend. More than a dozen women were arrested for prostitution near a school or church. Prostitution is a big problem near Hollywood and Chelsea. Undercover officers posed as decoys in several areas around the city. 12 women were all willing to have sex for money, and they were all within a mile and a half of a church or school.
Tonya Richardson
Geraldine Patterson
Mary Crenshaw
LaTwonda Mabry
Katherine Cooper
Angel Jones
Jeanette Brooks
Erica Hudson
Ashley Crowder
Sophia Watson
Elizabeth Bowling
Cicely Guy
Busts were also made near Winchester Elementary, Hanley elementary and other middle and high schools around the city. The women’s bonds ranged from a $100 to $250. At last check Sunday night, about half of them had been released. The women who were arrested range in age from 22 to 52.
Maybe I am missing the point but a couple of these women are old and ugly. Who would stoop to that level just to have sex. Yuck!!!!
Just a few weeks ago they were talking about wanting to being back racial profiling so that terrorism would be stopped. Although it sounds good on paper, once you open Pandora's box, the profiling itself could create a lot of trouble.
So now they have come up with this bright new concept that they want a all white basketball league. That is correct a new professional basketball league boasting rosters made up exclusively of white Americans.
Now the name will be the All-American Basketball Alliance although would'nt it sound much better as the all white American Basketball Alliance?
"Only players that are natural born United States citizens with both parents of Caucasian race are eligible to play in the league," the statement said.
Augusta Mayor Deke Copenhaver, who has publicly expressed his support for minor league teams in the past, said he would not do the same for this team.
"As a sports enthusiast, I have always supported bringing more sporting activities to Augusta," he said. "However, in this instance I could not support in good conscience bringing in a team that did not fit with the spirit of inclusiveness that I, along with many others, have worked so hard to foster in our city."
Clint Bryant, athletic director at Augusta State University, laughed when he heard the news.
"It's so absurd, it's funny, but it gives you an idea of the sickness of our society" he said. "It shows you what lengths people will go to just to be mean-spirited. I think at any basketball level, no matter if it's all black, all white, all Hispanic, all Asian or anyone else, the players should just be a basketball team."
Don "Moose" Lewis, the commissioner of the AABA, said the reasoning behind the league's roster restrictions is not racism. Although I am sure that this commissioner is white and he sees nothing wrong with these ole boys just getting together to play a little white ball.
"There's nothing hatred about what we're doing," he said. "I don't hate anyone of color. But people of white, American-born citizens are in the minority now. Here's a league for white players to play fundamental basketball, which they like."
Lewis said he wants to emphasize fundamental basketball instead of "street-ball" played by "people of color." He pointed out recent incidents in the NBA, including Gilbert Arenas' indefinite suspension after bringing guns into the Washington Wizards locker room, as examples of fans' dissatisfaction with the way current professional sports are run.
"Would you want to go to the game and worry about a player flipping you off or attacking you in the stands or grabbing their crotch?" he said. "That's the culture today, and in a free country we should have the right to move ourselves in a better direction."
The Atlanta-based league, which will operate as a single-entity owning all of its teams, is looking for local contacts to pay $10,000 to become a "licensee" in one of 12 cities throughout the Southeast. Lewis said he has already received threats from people opposed to the roster restrictions and several cities have told him to stay out of town. Lewis said he has yet to hear from any one in Augusta.
"We need a local person ingrained into the community to make this successful," he said.
Lewis said he expects to eventually find support in every town with a team.
"People will come out and support a product they can identify with. I'm the spoken minority right now, but if people will give us a chance, it'll work... The white game of basketball, which is essentially a fundamental game, works."
Tennessee wants to Legalize marijuana. A bill introduced to legislators in Nashville aims to do. Under the Safe Access to Medical Cannabis Act, people with certain medical conditions could pick up pot with a prescription at their local pharmacy.
The bill specifies which medical conditions would qualify someone for marijuana use, how pharmacies would sell it and how producers and distributors would be licensed.
The ideal of legalizing Marijuana could help to end the Drug War, and eliminate a large portion of the prison population. 6 to 10 are incarcerated for marijuana related offenses alone.
Since 1990, nearly 5.9 million Americans have been arrested on marijuana charges, a greater number than the entire populations of Alaska, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming combined. In 2000, state and local law enforcement arrested 734,498 people for marijuana violations. This is an increase of 800 percent since 1980, and is the highest ever recorded by the FBI.
The overwhelming majority of those charged with marijuana violations in 2000-- 646,042 Americans (88 %) -- were for simple possession. The remaining 12% (88,456 Americans) were for "sale/manufacture", an FBI category which includes marijuana grown for personal use or purely medical purposes. These new FBI statistics indicate that one marijuana smoker is arrested every 45 seconds in America. Taken together, the total number of marijuana arrests for 2000 far exceeded the combined number of arrests for violent crimes, including murder, manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery and aggravated assault.
Like most Americans who drink, the people who smoke marijuana should also pay taxes for the weed that they smoke. The Added incentive of the additional tax revenue that could be given to each state is unbelievable. It could be just what the United States need to be in the black for a change!
Please understand that Marijuana does not cause serious health problems like those caused by tobacco or alcohol (e.g., strong addiction, cancer, heart problems, birth defects, emphysema, liver damage, etc.). Death from a marijuana overdose is impossible. In all of world history, there has never been a single human death attributed to a health problem caused by marijuana. Legalize marijuanaand life would be better for most people. Why keep fighting the inevitable?
The time is now since the bill was introduced to the state house and senate last month. It has yet to go before a committee vote. Medical marijuana is currently legal in 14 states. I think that Tennessee should be number 15!
I recently received a pre-recorded message from a company that told me I had an outstanding debt please press zero (0) to resolve this. This was not the first time that I had received this call, generally I would hang up, but that day something told me to find out who was this. So I pushed zero and waited for a representative to answer the phone. The next few words caught me off guard. Julie gave me the name of this company and said that it was a claim from 2001. What a minute you are calling me about a claim from 2001.
She said yes and how would I like to resolve cash or credit?
I ask Julie if she knew that calling me on a claim over 7 years old is against the law. Julie told me that she knew the law and I owed the money.
So I dropped a little knowledge on Julie and I explained that she was in violation of federal law and she and the company could be subject to fines and or jail sentences if they continue violate that law. Julie was a smart lady, she immediately went to get her supervisor. When I started speaking to Bob I realized that he did not know the law either. Of course his call was a ethical call, and most people want to pay their debt no matter how old they are! So I used something called informative information on him and went on to say "if I did not pay the debt in 2001 that I surely was not going to pay it 9 years later" . I asked Bob did he knows what happens after a person files bankruptcy, he said did I file bankruptcy on this case? I said no. The reason that I was asking is after 10 years a bankruptcy automatically drops off of your credit. He said "okay". Listen Bob the first and most important piece of information is, that after 7 years of no activity on any account positive or negative it automatically drops off a consumers credit report and that debt is forgiven.
Again Bob wanted to explain his logical reason why he called, again. This time I stopped him in the middle of his rational approach and asked him for his name and the company that he worked for. I explained to him in layman's terms what was going to happen if he continued on trying to justify why he called. That I would be forced to call an attorney and take it to the next level, and I promised that he would not like the results if I did!
Bob realized his error and apologize, he explained that my name would be removed from his calling list and that would never happen again.
Food for thought: A collector only has 7 years to collect any debt after that it is a forgiven debt and it automatically drops off of your credit!
On paper, The Soloist sounds like a classic softhearted middlebrow awards-bait movie. Nathaniel Ayers (Jamie Foxx) is a homeless schizophrenic on the streets of Los Angeles whose outward dementia — mismatched clothing topped by full sequined jacket; hair plastered down on either side; a mode of ''talk'' that's really a jumble of word salad — conceals a delicate, refined soul obsessed with the beauty of music. Steve Lopez (Robert Downey Jr.) is a columnist for the Los Angeles Times who meets Nathaniel on the street and learns, after a bit of investigating, that he was once a budding cello virtuoso at Juilliard. He writes a column about him, and as Nathaniel starts to gain a bit of notoriety, the two men redeem each other. Or not.
The Soloist is based on a true story, but it takes pains not to sweeten the facts. And so the film, directed by Joe Wright (Atonement), draws us in without offering the expected ''inspirational'' catharsis. It's all a bit shapeless, yet made with sincerity and taste, and the two actors seize your sympathy.
Much to my surprise this was not the movie that I thought it was going to be. This is a movie without the deep passion that I was seeking. I really had a hard time believing Jamie Foxx as a Schizophrenic Nathaniel Ayers, a mentally ill, homeless street musician who possesses extraordinary talent. Even through his half-broken instruments does not limit his ability to create music.
Inspired by his story, Lopez writes an acclaimed series of articles about Ayers and attempts to do more to help both him and the rest of the underclass of LA have a better life. However, Lopez's good intentions run headlong in the hard realities of the strength of Ayers' personal demons and the larger social injustices facing the homeless. Regardless, Lopez and Ayers must find a way to conquer their deepest anxieties and frustrations to hope for a brighter future for both of them.
So even on paper it sound like a block buster movie that you will want to see over and over again. Lets look at it on paper it was a good movie but I could not not see more than two (2)** stars. You are not missing anything if you wait to see it on regular tv.
Deception is a a would-be erotic thriller with no heat and zero chills, “Deception” has the kind of glassy, glossy sheen and risible story that mean to suggest.
Without giving much more away, these three characters end up in a treacherous triangle ruled by multiple seductions involving erotic and also emotional same-sex entrapments, as well as interchangeable identities and split personalities. But Deception suffers from a serious identity crisis of its own, alternating between a love story, a sexy noir, and a psychological crime caper, and failing to settle sufficiently on any one of these competing narrative strands. And last but far from least, an over-achieving malevolent mastermind who's such a genius at circuitous schemes to get other people to commit crimes on his behalf, that the greatest mystery in Deception, may be why he can't just think up ways to simply do the dirty work himself to begin with.
The story is slow with a gradual build, nothing about this movie was believable. It had a concept that really has nothing that you can really sink your teeth into. ai give this movie two (2) stars.
“Star Trek” as done it again with a captivating script that keeps you glued to your seat, waiting to see whats going to happen next!
The 2009 “Star Trek” film goes back eagerly to where “Star Trek” began, using time travel to explain a cast of mostly the same characters, only at a younger point in their lives, sailing the Starship Enterprise. As a story idea, this is sort of brilliant and saves on invention, because young Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Uhura, Scotty and the rest channel their later selves. The child is father to the man, or the Vulcan, and all that.
The evolution of Star Trek to the Next Generation and Deep Space Nine kept me watching. Although this movie took an old concept and showed how the friends became friends.
This is one of the best Star Trek movies thus far. I give the movie four (4) **** stars. It is worth watching over and over again.
For some reason, the conservative force seems to believe that the president ideal of fixing the economy is not going to work. They think that some of his ideals are on the extreme side, but I believe that he has a plan and he is working this recession driven economy like a chess game. You see, chess is a game of thinking several moves ahead, and you never see it coming until you have been check mated. Unfortunately, I like many others can not see the forest for looking at the tree right now.
This plan is not going to happen over night, but it is going to happen! It took 8 years to create the mess, yet the world expects him to fix the problems, bad decision and all, yesterday! You see the President has proven one thing to me, when he annihilated the Clinton machine and destroyed the McCain campaign, I knew that he was a forced to be recognized. I am seeing gradual changes in the economy, the stock market is over 10,000 again and unemployment is still high but it has reached its highest point and its starting to fall.
The day is coming when the miracle will come, that the economy will bounce back and the dollar will become stronger again. Okay what took 8 years to tear down will not take more than 8 months to build it back up. If you believe it can happen!
Fighting is a rough-hewn heroic tale about realizing dreams of glory, putting audiences ringside at high-stakes underground street fights. Tatum stars as Sean Arthur, a young man who scrapes up a living hustling counterfeit merchandise in NYC. With family tragedy in his past and his father keeping him at a distance, this outsider has little to motivate him. A chance encounter with veteran street-fighting coach Harvey Boarden (Howard) leads to a whole new career for Sean. The ensuing bouts get tough, especially with the criminal element horning in, so Sean gets tougher. He will fight to win, not only the prize money but also the unexpected new relationships that are strengthening him.
Fighting is a poor excuse of a action movie, the acting is sorry and no matter how hard that you try to get into the movie the horribly written story line will leave you hangingt. This dry and dull drama offers little in the way of excitement or interesting moments. Tatum, fight scenes where pathetic, I kept wondering who would pay this guy $5,000 dollars to fight? I know that he's was capable of a strong performances, but he just mumbled his was through the role.and It was clear that his tough guy demeanor and pretty face was not enough to save this movie. Terrence Howard fairs better, but his mild-mattered sleaze ball character with his strange gay accent is so uninteresting you won't really care. At least Zulay Henao (who plays Zulay Valez in the movie)Is a bright point in the movie.
There's not much more to say, other than that those expecting a bunch of fight sequences will be massively disappointed. There are a few fight scenes, but the realistic approach director and co-writer Dito Montiel takes results in rather uninspiring battles, as Tatum and his opponent throw a few punches, roll around on the floor and try to put each other in choke holds a la MMA-style fighting. None of the scenes are very climactic, including the final fight scene, and so what we're left with is yet another story where some poor sap finally finds his calling with some illegal criminal hobby. We've all seen this story done a dozen times before and to better results.
Fighting is truly boring and poorly done. A lack of plot or strong performances ensure that this one will skip right over the bargain bin and into the trash.I give this one a one (*) star.
Avatar is a 2009 American science fiction film written and directed by James Cameron, and starring Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldaña, Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Rodriguez and Stephen Lang. The epic is set in the year 2154 on Pandora, a fictional world in a distant planetary system. Humans are engaged in mining Pandora's reserves of a precious mineral, while the Na'vi—a race of indigenous humanoids—resist the colonists' expansion, which threatens the continued existence of the Na'vi and the Earth-like Pandoran ecosystem. The film's title refers to the remotely controlled, genetically engineered human-Na'vi bodies used by the film's human characters to interact with the natives.[5]In 2154, the RDA corporation is mining Pandora, a lush, Earth-likemoon of the planet Polyphemus.[18] Parker Selfridge (Giovanni Ribisi) heads the mining operation, and it employs former marines for security. The corporation intends to exploit Pandora's reserves of a valuable mineral called unobtanium. Pandora is inhabited by the Na’vi, a blue-skinned neolithic species of sapient humanoids with feline characteristics.[19] Physically stronger and taller than humans, the Na'vi live in harmony with Nature, worshiping a mother goddess called Eywa.
Humans cannot survive exposure to Pandora’s atmosphere for very long and use oxygen masks. To move about Pandora, scientists create human-Na’vi hybrids called avatars, controlled by genetically matched human operators. The scientists also lead schools for the Na'vi to learn English and to interact with the humans. Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), a paraplegic former marine, becomes a last-minute replacement for his identical twin brother, a recently-murdered scientist trained to be an avatar operator. Dr. Grace Augustine (Sigourney Weaver), the head of the Avatar Program, considers Sully an inadequate replacement for his brother, and relegates him to a bodyguard role.
Jake escorts Augustine and biologist Norm Spellman (Joel David Moore) on an exploratory mission in their avatar forms to make contact with the Na'vi, in order to help establish diplomatic relations to solve the problem of resources and end the constant threat of violence. The group is attacked by a large predator, and Jake becomes separated and lost. Attempting to survive the night in Pandora’s dangerous jungles, he is rescued by Neytiri (Zoe Saldaña), a female Na'vi. Neytiri brings Jake to Hometree, which is inhabited by Neytiri’s clan, the Omaticaya. Mo'at (C. C. H. Pounder), the Na'vi shaman and Neytiri's mother, shows interest in the warrior "Dream-walker" (their term for the Avatars), and instructs her daughter to teach Jake their ways. Colonel Miles Quaritch (Stephen Lang), leader of the security forces for RDA, promises Jake his "real legs" back in exchange for intelligence about the natives and what it will take for them to abandon Hometree, which rests above a large deposit of unobtanium.
Over three months, Jake grows close to Neytiri and the Omaticaya and begins preferring the life he lives through the avatar. Jake's attachment erodes his loyalty toward RDA's agenda. He is initiated into the Omaticaya, and he and Neytiri choose each other as mates. Jake's change of loyalty is revealed when he disables a bulldozer's cameras as it destroys the tribe's 'Tree of Voices'. Col. Quaritch disconnects Jake from his avatar and presents Selfridge and Dr. Augustine with a vlog in which Jake admits that his mission is fruitless; the humans have nothing the Omaticaya desire, and they will never abandon Hometree. Selfridge is convinced that negotiations will fail and orders Hometree's destruction.
Augustine argues that the destruction of Hometree could affect the vast bio-botanicalneural network that all Pandoran organisms are connected to, and Selfridge gives Jake one hour to convince the Na’vi to leave Hometree. When he reveals his mission to the Omaticaya, Neytiri accuses him of betraying them, resulting in Jake and Augustine's imprisonment. Jake’s time runs out and Quaritch’s forces destroy Hometree, killing Eytucan (Wes Studi), Neytiri's father and clan chief, and many others. Jake and Augustine are disconnected from their avatars and detained for treason along with Norm. Trudy Chacón (Michelle Rodriguez), a security force pilot who is disgusted by the violence, breaks them out. During their escape Quaritch shoots Augustine. With Augustine dying, Jake turns to the Omaticaya for help. To regain their trust he tames the Toruk, a powerful flying beast that only five Na'vi have ever tamed. Jake flies to the Omaticaya, who have gathered at the sacred Tree of Souls, and pleads with Mo'at to heal Augustine. They attempt to transplant her "soul" into her avatar, but her injuries are too severe.
With the assistance of Neytiri and Tsu'Tey (Laz Alonso), the new leader of the Omaticaya, Jake assembles thousands of Na'vi from other clans. Jake prays to Eywa to intercede on behalf of the Na'vi in the coming battle. Quaritch, noting the rapid mobilization of Na'vi clans, convinces Selfridge to authorize a preemptive strike on the Tree of Souls. Because it is a center of Na'vi religion and culture, its destruction would leave the Na'vi too demoralized to resist further human encroachment.
As the humans attack, the Na'vi fight back but suffer heavy casualties, among them Tsu'Tey and Trudy. When the Na'vi are on the verge of defeat, the Pandoran wildlife suddenly attacks the humans, overwhelming them. Neytiri interprets this as Eywa answering Jake's prayer. Jake destroys the main bomber before it can reach the Tree of Souls. Quaritch escapes in an AMP (Amplified Mobility Platform) suit, finds the avatar interface pod where Jake's human body is located and attacks it, exposing Jake to Pandora's atmosphere. Neytiri kills Quaritch and saves Jake, seeing his human form. With the attack repelled, Jake and Neytiri reaffirm their love.
The humans are expelled from Pandora, while Jake and his closest co-workers remain. Jake is seen wearing the insignia of the Omaticaya leader. The film ends with Jake's consciousness being transplanted into his Na'vi avatar and his life continuing as a Na'vi.
Avatar is the movie of the year, the story and plot is quite intense. To get taken in by the native learn their culture then have to fight to help them save their land. Avatar will win an Oscar for best Motion Picture. This movie structure will leave you walking saying that was a great movie. I give this movie four (4) **** stars.
Avatar had been in development since 1994 by Cameron, who wrote an 80-page scriptment for the film.[6] Filming was supposed to take place after the completion of Titanic, and the film would have been released in 1999, but according to Cameron, "technology needed to catch up" with his vision of the film.[7][8] In early 2006, Cameron developed the script, the language, and the culture of Pandora.[9] He has stated that if Avatar is successful, two sequels to the film are planned.[10]
The film was released in traditional 2-D and 3-D, as well as IMAX 3D formats. Avatar is officially budgeted at $237 million;[2] other estimates put the cost at $280–310 million to produce and an estimated $150 million for marketing.[11][12][13] The film is being touted as a breakthrough in terms of filmmaking technology, for its development of 3D viewing and stereoscopic filmmaking with cameras that were specially designed for the film's production.[14] Opening to critical acclaim and commercial success, it grossed an estimated $27 million on its opening day and made $77,025,481 in the United States and Canada on its opening weekend.[15] Worldwide, Avatar grossed an estimated $232,180,000 on its opening weekend,[16] the ninth-largest opening-weekend gross of all time, and the largest for a non-franchise, non-sequel and original film. After 17 days in release, it became the fastest film to reach $1 billion in box office receipts,[3] making the film the fourth highest-grossing of all time, and the fifth to gross more than $1 billion worldwide.[17]
These guys are going for bachelor get away in Vegas. "Old School" director Todd Phillips comes a comedy about a bachelor party gone very, very wrong.
Two days before his wedding, Doug (JUSTIN BARTHA) drives to Las Vegas with his best buddies Phil and Stu (BRADLEY COOPER and ED HELMS) and his future brother-in-law Alan (ZACH GALIFIANAKIS), for a blow-out bachelor party they vow they'll never forget.
But when the three groomsmen wake up the next morning with pounding headaches, they can't remember a thing. Their luxury hotel suite is beyond trashed and the groom is nowhere to be found.
With no clue about what happened and little time to spare, the trio must attempt to retrace their bad decisions from the night before in order to figure out where things went wrong in the hopes of finding Doug and getting him back to L.A. in time for his wedding.
But the more they begin to uncover, the more they realize just how much trouble they're really in.
I found myself laughing over and over again as I watched this movie. This is a classic waiting to happen. Feeling gloomy, after you watch this you will feel better. Three (3)*** stars.
Derek Charles (Idris Elba) is the Executive Vice President of Gage Bendix and has received a recent promotion from his boss (Bruce McGill). He is happily married to Sharon Charles (Beyoncé Knowles), who is pursuing her business degree. They have a son, Kyle. However, a new temporary worker, Lisa Sheridan (Ali Larter) begins to unnerve him. Derek's best friend and co-worker, Ben (Jerry O'Connell), reminds him to be careful because he thinks she has her eyes on him. Lisa eventually attempts to seduce him, but he repeatedly rejects her advances. Lisa becomes obsessed and begins to manipulate Derek and Sharon's relationship, eventually becoming violent. Lisa's actions become erratic, and she fakes a suicide in Derek's hotel room while he is on a business trip, leaving him no choice but to send her to the hospital. Meanwhile, Sharon is trying to reach Derek, but she can't get in touch with him, so she calls Ben. Ben tries to cover for Derek, but he just comes out and tells her that Derek should tell her the truth himself (presumably telling her he's at the hospital emergency room). This prompts Sharon to go to the hospital where Derek is. Detective Monica Reese (Christine Lahti) interrogates Derek about his "relationship" with Lisa. Both Detective Reese and Sharon refuse to believe that he didn't sleep with Lisa. When Derek and Sharon go home, Sharon kicks him out of the house, and they separate for three months. Derek moves into his own place, but he is lonely without his family and longs to be back with them. Sharon still lets him visit and play with Kyle, but she refuses to have any communication with him herself.
Within the three months, Detective Reese interrogates Lisa, who lies about her relationship with Derek. Detective Reese discovers that Derek was telling the truth and that Lisa is insane. Reese informs Derek that she believes him now, and Lisa has moved to San Francisco. As an attempt to win Sharon back, Derek asks her to go out to dinner with him for his birthday. After a long talk, Sharon forgives him and gives him a gift: his key to the house, which she had taken from him when he moved out. While they are out, Lisa goes to their home and tricks the babysitter Samantha (Scout Taylor-Compton) into letting her in under the pretense of being one of Sharon's friends, eventually escaping with Kyle while Samantha is distracted. When Derek and Sharon return, Samantha informs them that Lisa had been there, and they find that Kyle is missing. Derek goes to the car, intending to pursue Lisa, and finds Kyle in the backseat with lipstick from Lisa on his forehead. They immediately take Kyle to the hospital to make sure he is okay. Detective Reese meets up with them there. Sharon warns her that she better do something about Lisa, or she'll do it herself. Reese assures them that she'll handle it. They take Kyle home, where they have a hard time putting the upset baby to bed. Afterwards, they try to go to bed, only to see that Lisa has trashed their bedroom and removed Sharon's face from all the family portraits. The next morning, Sharon leaves an angry, threatening voicemail on Lisa's phone. They set up a home alarm system, while Lisa secretly monitors the house from outside.
Later on, Patrick (Matthew Humphreys), Derek's assistant, receives a call from Lisa. He reveals that Sharon and Derek will be visiting her mother's house, with Sharon leaving that afternoon and Derek first thing the next morning. While Sharon is on the way to her sister's to pick up Kyle before she goes to her mother's, she calls Derek, who asks her if she set the alarm. She realizes that she forgot and goes back to set it. Meanwhile, Lisa has broken into the house with a bottle of champagne. While setting the alarm, Sharon hears Lisa pop the champagne bottle open. Sharon finds Lisa wearing one of Derek's t-shirts lying in her bed. Sharon tells Lisa that she is calling the police, but Lisa tries to stop her. Sharon pushes Lisa down, but Lisa gets up and shoves Sharon onto the dresser, knocking her down, and begins kicking her. Lisa grabs a lamp and tries to hit Sharon with it, but Sharon escapes to the bathroom.
Derek calls the house, and it's Lisa who answers. Sharon struggles with Lisa to get the phone, headbutting her and knocking her down. Sharon tells Derek she's going to have to call him back and hangs up. Derek calls Detective Reese and leaves his office. While fighting, Sharon reminds Lisa of everything she has done. Lisa escapes and runs to the attic. Sharon pursues Lisa to the attic, where she is attacked. Sharon, remembering when Derek showed her a weak spot in the floor, leads Lisa to it. Lisa falls through the floor and hangs onto the edge. Sharon reaches out and grabs her hand to prevent her from falling, but Lisa pulls Sharon down with her instead of accepting her help. Seeing that the floor is starting to buckle, Sharon pries Lisa off of her arm, and she falls to the ground. Lisa grabs a chandelier, stopping her fall, but lets go and falls onto the table below. Sharon sighs in regret as she sees this but then sees Lisa open her eyes. Lisa begins to rise up when the broken chandelier falls on Lisa and kills her. Derek and Detective Reese arrive as Sharon comes out of the front door. The detective asks Sharon "What happened?" and Sharon replies "I think you know what happened." As the film ends, Sharon and Derek embrace each other.
Obsessed is a interesting piece of work. One thing that stood out about this movie was that it gave you a Fatal Attraction feel to it but lets keep it real the story line is not on that level. The movie plot was interesting that a man could be pursued by a beautiful woman with such passion and he could stay true to himself and just say no. The whole time that I watched this movie I kept wondering what did he do to this woman to have her sprung like that? So again this was a okay movie, if you have time to kill on a Saturday check it out, but sometimes it nothing like waiting for it to hit cable. I give the movie two (2) **
Since the underwear bomber failed at his attempt at blowing up a air plance,the conservatives have decided that maybe racial profiling should be used again. Forget the constitutional violation that occurred when it was used before. Forget the violation of people 4th and 14th amendments rights. Lets rewrite the constitution all in the name of good, right?
So what is the true definition of Racial profiling -it is the inclusion of racial or ethnic characteristics in determining whether a person is considered likely to commit a particular type of crime or an illegal act or to behave in a "predictable" manner. It is often confused with the more comprehensive offender profiling and has been perceived to be directed most often toward non white individuals. Although this practice has been common for centuries, the practice became particularly controversial toward the end of the 20th century in the United States, as the potential for abuse by law enforcement came to light.
So imagine you are in your car and a police officer stops you because you are black and pulls you out of your car and shoves a gun in your face and temporally detainees you in their car, only to find out that you were the wrong black man. Of course they apologize and say they are sorry for the mistake. Lets look at the situation like this, many a lives were lost simply because of this racial profiling. Sorry, I did not mean to kill him or it was an accident. Nothing good can come from this, no matter what the better good of all is.
In the United States, police officers target not race but certain characteristics that are only correlated with race. This is also related to the hypothesis that police officers have no racial preferences and only maximize the probability of a successful search. If black motorists are more likely to carry contraband or illegal drugs, racial profiling may lead to a higher probability of successful searches.[1]
At least for the state of Maryland, data suggests that the probability of a successful search is very similar across races. This suggests that police officers are not motivated by racial preferences but by the desire to maximize the probability of a successful search. In fact, data suggests that the probability of finding contraband in excess of a high threshold is higher for black motorists, implying a bias against white drivers.[1]
Critics argue:
that race would ideally not be considered for any reason in a police action (save the exceptions made below).
that race would ideally not be considered the primary or motivating factor for suspicion.
that race could be considered when it is used to describe a specific suspect in a specific crime and only when used in a manner like other physical descriptions (e.g., hair color, weight, distinguishing marks). This is often referred to as the "be on the lookout" (B.O.L.O.) exception.
that even if race could be helpful, use of race may cause many more errors where the actual offender happened not to fit the race predicted by the model and law enforcement fails to capture the suspect.
In the United States, the government does not have the right to conduct searches based solely on racial profiling. The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right to be safe from unreasonable search and seizure without probable cause. Since the majority of people of all races are law-abiding citizens, merely being of a race which a police officer believes to be more likely to commit a crime than another is not probable cause. In addition, the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution requires that all citizens be treated equally under the law. It has been argued that this makes it unconstitutional for a representative of the government to make decisions based on race. This view has been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in Batson v. Kentucky and several other cases.
Racial profiling is frowned upon in some societies. The security agent who checked in Muhammed Atta, the leader of the September 11 terrorist attacks, and a companion, would later say that looking at the pair his first reaction was to think "If this doesn't look like two Arab terrorists, I've never seen two Arab terrorists." But he immediately felt guilty, and had no legal grounds to search on the basis of their suspicious appearance had he wished to.[2]
So that is the catch all end all we just want to get rid of all the bad Arabs, and of course after we get all those bad Arabs... Then maybe we can get all those bad blacks, and Hispanics!!! You know its all for the safety of the United States, right?
The film briefly references Mayanism, the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, and the 2012 phenomenon in its portrayal of cataclysmic events unfolding in the year 2012. Because of solar flare bombardment the Earth's core begins heating up at an unprecedented rate, eventually causing crustal displacement. This results in an onslaught of Doomsday event scenarios plunging the world into chaos, ranging from California falling into the Pacific Ocean, the eruption of the Yellowstone National Parkcaldera, massive earthquakes, and Megatsunami impacts along every coast line on the Earth. The film centers around an ensemble cast of characters as they narrowly escape multiple catastrophes in an effort to reach ships in the Himalayas, along with scientists and governments of the world who are
In 2009, American geologist Adrian Helmsley learns from a colleague in India that neutrinos from a massive solar flare are acting as microwave radiation, causing the temperature of the Earth's core to increase rapidly. Adrian informs White House Chief of Staff Carl Anheuser and US President Thomas Wilson that this will trigger a catastrophic chain of natural disasters. At the G8 summit in 2010, other heads of state and heads of government are made aware of the situation. They begin a massive, secret project intended to ensure the survival of humanity. Approximately 400,000 people are chosen to board a series of ships (called arks) to be constructed in the Himalayas. The majority of tickets aboard these ships are reserved for notable government officials and selected people, while additional funding for the project is raised by selling tickets to the private sector at the price of €1 billion per person.
In 2012, Jackson Curtis is a writer in Los Angeles who works part-time as a limousine driver for wealthy Russian businessman Yuri Karpov. Jackson's ex-wife Kate and their children Noah and Lily live with her boyfriend, plastic surgeon and amateur pilot Gordon Silberman. Jackson takes Noah and Lily on a camping trip to Yellowstone National Park, where they meet Charlie Frost, a conspiracy theorist living as a hermit and hosting a radio show from the park. Charlie references a theory that suggests the Mayans predicted the world would come to an end in 2012, and claims he has knowledge and a map of the secret ark project. The family returns home as cracks develop along the San Andreas Fault in California and large earthquakes occur in many places along the West Coast. Jackson grows suspicious and rents a plane to rescue his family. He collects his family and Gordon when the Earth's crust displacement begins and they escape Los Angeles as it collapses into the Pacific Ocean.
As billions die in cataclysmic earthquakes worldwide, the group flies to Yellowstone to retrieve Charlie's map. The group narrowly escapes as the Yellowstone Caldera erupts. Charlie, who stayed behind to broadcast the eruption, is killed in the blast. Learning that the ships are in China, the group lands in Las Vegas, where they meet Yuri, his sons, girlfriend Tamara, and pilot Sasha. They join the group and secure an Antonov aircraft, fleeing just as Las Vegas is destroyed. Also bound for the arks aboard Air Force One are Anheuser, Adrian, and First Daughter Laura Wilson. President Wilson chooses to remain in Washington D.C., and is soon killed by a megatsunami. With the Vice President also dead and the Speaker of the House missing, Anheuser takes over as acting president.
Arriving in China in a crash-landing that kills Sasha, the group is spotted by the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Yuri and his sons, possessing tickets, are taken to the ships. The Curtis family, Gordon, and Tamara, who do not have tickets, are picked up by Nima, a Buddhist monk on his way to the arks. They sneak into an ark with the help of Nima's brother Tenzin, a welder for the ark project. A tsunami approaches the site as thousands are still attempting to board the final ark, and a large drill becomes lodged between the gears of the ark's hydraulics chamber, preventing a boarding gate from closing and rendering the ship unable to start its engines. In the ensuing chaos, Yuri, Gordon, and Tamara are killed, and the flooded ark is set adrift. Jackson and Noah free the drill from the closing mechanism, and the crew regains control of the ark, preventing a fatal collision with Mount Everest.
When the floodwater from the tsunamis recedes, satellite data shows that Africa's elevation rose in relation to sea level, and the Drakensberg mountains in KwaZulu Natal are now the highest on the planet. As three arks set sail for the Cape of Good Hope, Jackson reconciles with his family and Adrian starts a relationship with Laura. The movie ends with a view of the Earth from space, showing a drastically different continental landscape.
Director Roland Emmerich and composer-producer Harald Kloser co-wrote a spec script titled 2012, which was marketed to major studios in February 2008. Nearly all studios met with Emmerich and his representatives to hear the director's budget projection and story plans, a process that the director had previously gone through with the films Independence Day (1996) and The Day After Tomorrow (2004).[5] Later that month, Sony Pictures Entertainment won the rights for the spec script, planning to distribute it under Columbia Pictures[6] and to make it for less than the estimated budget.[7] According to Emmerich, the film was eventually produced for about $200 million.[1]
Okay this scientific vision of things to come was a big pill to swallow. The ideal that the earth will self destruct because of constant earth changes was way over my head for now... I watched the movie wondering when is this going to end. I wish that there was something about this movie that I could give a great review but it held my attention simply because I wanted to see what was going to happen next! This hodgepodge of everything happening was just to much. My recommendation is save your money and wait for it to come on regular TV. My review is two (2) ** stars.