Gambling addiction is a serious issue that has a negative impact on mental health. Studies show that individuals who engage in frequent internet gambling are at a higher risk of experiencing poor mental
health. Additionally, gambling addiction is often linked to depression, and nearly one in five patients who have expressed suicidal ideation also meet the criteria for gambling addiction.
Furthermore, research indicates that gambling addiction is often accompanied by post-traumatic stress disorder and substance use disorders. In fact, evidence suggests that there is a strong link between gambling addiction and PTSD symptoms, with individuals who have experienced trauma being at a higher risk for developing a gambling addiction.
Additionally, many compulsive gamblers report being concerned about their substance use, particularly alcohol use. Alcohol may present a particularly pressing problem for individuals with gambling addiction, as casinos often have bars and drinking is a common occurrence while gambling. Studies have found that as many as 73 percent of individuals identified as compulsive gamblers also meet the criteria for an alcohol use disorder.
Overall, the prevalence of co-occurring gambling addiction and substance abuse is high, and it is important for individuals who struggle with gambling addiction to seek help and support for their mental health and substance use issues.
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