Everyday I listen to the blame game on how Obama is never right. The continuous battery of blame being laid in his lap is so sicking. No matter what the problem is, when its all said and done it always his fault. Now just listening to ABC,NBC, CBS, MSNBC or CNN you would never never get the same perception. As a matter of fact you might hear some form of praise for how the President and how he is trying to turn the economy around. Although if you listen to Fox or a Conservative talk show host such as Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Bill o'Reilly, Mark Levin, Ben Fergerson or the great Michael Salvage. They make the president seem like a complete idiot. These host make the president appear to be the dumbest man on the face of the earth! At one point in time he was the Messiah through their eyes, from his point of wiew. They want us to think that he really portrayed himself in that manner. I even heard him called a Chicago street thug, a empty suit, Giggles the clown, a socialist and even a dictator.
I do understand the essence of the blame game for it does help with ratings but I personally don't agree with much of what these genius have to say. I started listening purely by accident and day in and day out it is the same ole thing... Over and and over again. How do they keep getting away with saying what they say?p?
I don't agree with 98% of there thought but they do make you think. My problem with the blame game is this, no matter what they start talking about they always end up the same way. Michael Jackson died, Obama should not have sent a letter to his family. Iran election was ridged, Obama should tell the people that he will help. The nation is 11 trillion dollars in debt, if Obama hadn't signed all these laws in action we would not be in this shape. Unemployment is at a all time high, where is Obama's hope and change now? Kim Jun IL shot a rocket, Obama is a coward for not shooting down that rocket. They approved cap and trade, Obama has a deal with GE, so they are going to benefit from this big deal. Obama only wants to tax the rich, what about most of the people in congress aren't they all rich, also isn't Obama rich?
Okay, you get my drift. I don't expect any special treatment but really is all the blame for the problems of the world his?