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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Solid Rock is Crumbling

On occasion my family and I visit Solid Rock, this Sunday May 23, 2010 was more than we ever expected. It started out as a traditional Sunday, the choir sang, pass the collection plate , prayer, and then the introduction of the pastor.

It all exploded when Apostle Anderson took the microphone and proceeded to introduce the new chosen members of the church board. As Apostle Anderson began swearing the members in, all hell broke loose. When one of the associate Pastors from the pulpit starts yelling "this is not of god, this is not of god, stop what you are doing, and preach! " over and over again!

Everyone was shocked because it looked like a fight was going to break out from the outburst but Anderson kept on making his announcement while members looked in awe! While this disruption was going on a half the church walked out. Several members tried to regain order and approached the associate pastor and asked him to leave, but he was not having it!

This went on for 10 minutes when a male member of the church came and hugged the appostle as he was preaching. Several Ushers stepped up and removed the man from the pulpit. The Associate Pastor grabbed a microphone and started spilling the beans. That the church was in foreclosure and the only way that the bank would continue to help Solid Rock if Appostle Anderson only preached. and had nothing to do with the business. Appostle anderson began to preach that if this was his last time preaching that he would go out with a bang. Apostle Anderson stated that if you were with him stand with him good, and if not then they need to leave!

Apostle Anderson finished what he had to say dropped the microphone and left the stage like Chris Rock.

Apostle wife Tonya grabbed a microphone and started saying that evil was against her husband, and that "he was not himself". Through all the rants and raves nothing could prepare the congregation for Tonya calling three women out in church... I am not sure who they were or what they did, but when she called their names they jumped up and looked like they were ready to fight!

The last straw for me and the member sitting next to me when several members began yelling to come and pray, one lady looked at me and said " that's it," got up and left.

Now the Church's name is Solid Rock, as we get into the car and we are driving home we heard Ashford & Simpson- SOLID AS A ROCK, WOW!

Maybe there was a message in seeing the church fall on their knees, although as me and my family was leaving that church, we asked the question will Solid Rock be there next week?

I felt this was something that needed to be said, what was done in the dark appeared in the light... Faith in god is what will pull you out

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The low down termination of Thaddeus Matthews Show

I think the way The Thaddeus Matthews Show was terminated by KWAM on April 30, 2010, was sneaky and quite underhanded that Legacy Media Memphis would breach his contract and act if they had a reason to do it... Since I started listening in January, Mathews had been stating that he had been paying $1250 per week for the last two years to broadcast his daily radio show. Matthews stated that his payments were made to George Bryant President of Legacy Media Memphis owners of KWAM.

I have my own opinion as to what happen on this subject and I think Matthews brash and no holds barred attitude rubbed many people the wrong way. This is what helped to contribute to the weekly rate increase to $3000 per week. The power move was suppose to make him fail, but instead of the struggle of making the payments Matthews listeners rallied behind him and began making donations to help. The number of commercials that he was airing increased as well!

I believe that what truly was the last straw for KWAM, when Ben Ferguson was released from WREC. The ideal that they could maintain an audience and still receive that added income from Ferguson was more than they could take. It was no secret that Thaddeus stated that he had acquired a radio station and that he was planning on leaving when his contract expired!

So KWAM said that you were going to quit any way in July, get your stuff and go now.

Now this angered Matthews considering that KWAM was not even on the map until his show started airing. He stated that the Arbitron ration showed that his show had beat every talk show during the 4-7 time slot including every thing on his KWAm including all national shows.

Matthews claimed that at the end of his show on Friday, Byrant returned to the station with a show termination letter and copies of his commercial spots in a envelope. The meeting if that's what it is to be called became very tense partly because he had a contract that ends in August and partly because Bryant took a check from Matthews on Thursday for $1000 from a new advertiser knowing that he planned to end the show the next day.

Matthew intends on suing KWAM because he has a contract and their reasoning does not hold water. Matthews said that he can now prove that KWAM and George Bryant conspired to breach his contract and this is why he is suing Bryant and Legacy for $500,000 in damages.

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Derrick Stokes you should receive the dumbest criminal award

Derrick Stokes should receive the dumbest criminal award for still being in Memphis. How do you get a second chance at freedom and only get as far as the Relax Inn on Third?
The man has managed to get sentenced to life and walk out of the Jail twice and he could not make it past the state line! He was on the run for 30 days before he was caught the first time. The second time it was less than a week.

So it was not enough for his father and brother who tried to help him by getting him a room. But his dumb ass brother goes down to 201 poplar complaining about how he was arrested and finds out that he has another warrant against himself. So he gets arrested again!

Now Bobby Partee tells where his brother is, and now him and his father are locked up with a $250,000 bond. Why did'nt his father and brother get him a bus ticket or since they were helping him, why not just put him in the trunk of the car and take him to Mexico?

Its sad that this whole family should receive the award!!!!



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Dishonorable discharge, what a fool!

An Army doctor is under investigation after questioning on YouTube whether President Barack Obama is U.S.-born — then disobeying orders to report for duty in Afghanistan. He is willing to throw caution to the wind and say that I don't care, kick me out...

Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin failed to report to Fort Campbell, Ky., on Monday, showing up instead at his old job in a clinic in the Pentagon, Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, an Army spokesman, said Wednesday. Lakin was reassigned immediately to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington while the investigation is under way.

Though officials in Hawaii verify that Obama was born there, so-called birthers claim he was born outside the United States and is ineligible to be president. Lakin says he wants to see the birth certificate as proof Obama is his commander in chief and thus that the deployment order for Afghanistan is legal.

Lakin is under investigation for his failure to report for deployment and for conduct unbecoming an officer.

A Greeley, Colo., native, Lakin said in a video posted on YouTube that he was an 18-year Army veteran "choosing to disobey" orders he says are illegal, including an order to deploy to Afghanistan for a second tour. He said he was doing so at "great peril" to his career and future and "inviting my own court-martial."

A court-martial is only one of the punishment options, and among the handful of other known birthers in the military, some have merely received administrative reprimands.

On Monday, Lakin showed up for his job as a flight surgeon at the Pentagon clinic that is attached to a Walter Reed medical brigade, Garver said. His commander, Col. Gordon Roberts, summoned him to Walter Reed and told him he was being reassigned.

Hawaii Health Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino issued statements last year and in October 2008 saying that she's seen vital records that prove Obama is a natural-born U.S. citizen. But the state said last month it was still getting between 10 and 20 e-mails seeking verification of Obama's birth each week, most from outside Hawaii.

A few of the requesters continue to pepper the state Health Department with the same letters seeking the same information, even after they're told state law bars release of a certified birth certificate to anyone who does not have a tangible interest. Responding wastes time and money, officials have said.

Both Fukino and the state registrar of vital statistics have verified that the Health Department holds Obama's original birth certificate.

What a fool that this Lt would jeopardize his career and 18 years in the Army for the ideal that he would challenge the president being a natural born citizen. An Attorney Phillip Berg was one of the first people to come up with this bright ideal that Obama was not born in the US. He even sued and his case went all the way to the Supreme Court and they denied his claim, stating that his case had no merit. Even with the notion that Obama was born in another country, his mother was born in this country... That means that he would have dual citizenship.

Okay lets forget all that / lets just say that Obama had an Epiphany that he would one day become the first black president. So he had to cover-up his going to college, forge his passport papers and get several top rank officials to agree with hims as children so that when he would assume power he would have all his i's dotted and his t's crossed!

The truth of the matter is that there are several people who believe that they have to get the president impeached. Not for the traditional reason but simply because they do not like how he is running the country. These childish attempts push the president out of office just make me believe that we still have a radical form of racism!

Don't they look different now without their white sheet?

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The Acne Practice (severe case 5) you have to see this to believe it!

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Why are they so mad, he only passed the health care bill

Now after months of preparation the President has the votes, and he passed the the Health care bill into law. The new law has incited some people to a violent behavior.

How can any one spit on a congress man because the congress man voted for the bill? Now to make matters worse several people have left Threatening voice mails to people in congress. Don't the know that threatening congress members is a Federal Offense? Any person who looses his sense of reality and goes to that extreme deserves to be locked up!

8 years of Bush and you could hear a pin drop from all the people complaining about his piss poor job! I am a little confused at how after 1 year so many are claiming that he is doing a bad job and they are asking to impeach the president. What for? No one can give a definitive answer but I have heard he a communist/ socialist. So if he wants to see the country fail where is he going to live at?

I've listened to several conservatives talk show host and how they all have created this imagine of Obama, to the point that he is a idiot. These blow hearts emotions are running so high right now that I live in fear! You see when a group of cowards get together, someone usually gets hurt! so let me ask a silly question if someone gets hurt or killed, will the blood be on the instigators hands? Especially considering they help to create this mess.

Obama has created such fear and hatred that many of these vigilantes want to grab their guns an make a point. Does any of that sound familiar? In the 50's and 60's when the whites did not like some blacks, they would mysteriously disappear with a wink and a grin... Then make statements that they don't know where he went...

Unfortunately no matter how angry you get with whats been done, think about what you are going to do, for what you could get away with yesterday they will lock you up and throw the key away today!

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Sandra Bullock is seeking a divorce attorney

Sandra Bullock is reportedly consulting with divorce attorneys, prompting speculation that the Oscar-winning actress

is planning to dissolve her marriage to reality star Jesse James. The Blind Side actress — whose husband cheated on her with tattoo model Michelle ‘Bombshell’ McGee michelle— has reportedly asked her assistants to search for a “high-end” legal team to represent her if she decides to split from the motorcycle enthusiast for good.

What a surprise, I mean there is no room for imagination that these two are total opposites. The thought that they could think out side the box and make it last does make you say awwww that it will soon end. Maybe its me but does she look better than Sandra??? Okay reality check, men want 3 things from the woman they call wife. Conversation, good sex and she looks good to him, if she has 2 out of 3 you can believe that the relationship will not last. I wonder where Sandra did not measure up at sex or conversation.... What do you think???

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Stars That Died

Today we lost

News flash