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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Why are they so mad, he only passed the health care bill

Now after months of preparation the President has the votes, and he passed the the Health care bill into law. The new law has incited some people to a violent behavior.

How can any one spit on a congress man because the congress man voted for the bill? Now to make matters worse several people have left Threatening voice mails to people in congress. Don't the know that threatening congress members is a Federal Offense? Any person who looses his sense of reality and goes to that extreme deserves to be locked up!

8 years of Bush and you could hear a pin drop from all the people complaining about his piss poor job! I am a little confused at how after 1 year so many are claiming that he is doing a bad job and they are asking to impeach the president. What for? No one can give a definitive answer but I have heard he a communist/ socialist. So if he wants to see the country fail where is he going to live at?

I've listened to several conservatives talk show host and how they all have created this imagine of Obama, to the point that he is a idiot. These blow hearts emotions are running so high right now that I live in fear! You see when a group of cowards get together, someone usually gets hurt! so let me ask a silly question if someone gets hurt or killed, will the blood be on the instigators hands? Especially considering they help to create this mess.

Obama has created such fear and hatred that many of these vigilantes want to grab their guns an make a point. Does any of that sound familiar? In the 50's and 60's when the whites did not like some blacks, they would mysteriously disappear with a wink and a grin... Then make statements that they don't know where he went...

Unfortunately no matter how angry you get with whats been done, think about what you are going to do, for what you could get away with yesterday they will lock you up and throw the key away today!

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