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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Dictators in Africa

Robert Mugabe Zimbabwe.Age 82.In power since 1980. Robert Mugabe once was hailed as a symbol of the new Africa, but under his rule the health and well-being of his people have dropped dramatically, which is as much an abuse of human rights as arbitrary arrest and torture. According to the World Health Organization, Zimbabwe has the world’s shortest life expectancy—37 years for men and 34 for women. It also has the greatest percentage of orphans (about 25%, says UNICEF) and the worst annual inflation rate (1,281% as of last month). He last allowed an election in 2002 but “won” only after having his leading opponent arrested for treason.

Their are three movies that I recommend that you watch and then you will understand why this dictator should not be in power. the first movie is the Tears of the Sun... A very powerful movie about An African prince running from some one like Mugabe.

The second is Hotel Rwanda. This movie leaves you in awe. The KKK has nothing on these guys plus they have absolutely no repercussions for their actions.

The third move is the last king of scotland. When I was growing up and used to hear about Idi Amin I had no I deal that he was that cold hearted.

I often hear about people wanting to go back to the motherland to visit or even live... There is unbelievable footage of how they kill each other. The life of a person living in Zimbabwe is quite short—37 years for men and 34 for women. To see these statics on paper mean nothing but when you watch these movies, it will bring you to tears! What's so sad about these 3 movies that the UN does not step in and step up to stop this madness. After you see the movies you will understand that they care absolutely nothing about their own so you can imagine what they will do to a stranger.

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