Sarah Palin Affair is this real?
No less than three members of the man’s (Brad Hanson) family including one by sworn affidavit have claimed that Sarah Palin engaged in an extramarital affair with husband Todd’s former business partner, Brad Hanson. These sources have named Hanson as Palin’s secret love, and say their affair nearly wrecked both their marriages. Hanson owned a snowmobile dealership with Palin’s husband Todd, who immediately dissolved the partnership after he heard stories about the affair...Hanson family insider, Jim Burdett, has gone on the record and passed a rigorous polygraph test, revealing details of the affair ..Another source, who preferred to remain anonymous for fear of repercussions, provided the National Enquirer with a sworn affidavit attesting to the Palin-Hanson story.more:
Anchorage Daily News: Palin's Preferred Inquiry Requires Utmost Secrecyhttp://www.adn.com/sarah-palin/s...ory/%20535188.html
What do you have to hide, Sarah?
'Sarah Palin, affair', you get:http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=sarah+palin%2C+affair&btnG=SearchI
f you type in: 'Sarah Palin cheated on her husband', you get:http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=sarah+palin+cheated+on+her+husbandor:
'Sarah Palin, adultery':http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=sarah+palin%2C+adultery'
Sarah Palin, Brad Hanson':http://www.google.com/search?hl=...%
Most of the results include a link to the original story.http://www.nationalenquirer.com/national_enquirer_world_exclusive_sarah_palins_secret_lover_revealed/celebrity/65481
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