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Monday, March 14, 2011

Pay attention at the gas pumUsing credit/debit card?

The gas prices are constantly rising and it is causing people to really get desperate... You might be like me a person who pays at the pump. Did you know that if you don't hit the clear button when you finish pumping your gas you may be setting yourself up for extra charges?

A friend used her credit/debit card to purchase gas at the pump (like most of us do). She received her receipt like normal. However, when she checked her statement, there were 2 $50.00 charges added in addition to her purchase. 

Upon investigation, she found out that because she did not press the 'clear' button on the pump, the employee inside the store was able to use her card to purchase their own gas!

Nothing is more frustrating to know that you left yourself open to whatever. To keep this from happening, before and after you get your receipt, press the 'CLEAR' button so that your information will not be stored.

Please tell all your family/ friends/ so that this doesn't happen to them.

I had never noticed the 'clear' button, but I got gas the other day and sure enough it is there.

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