How could in good conscious can all the the conservative media, keep sling Obama propaganda, and think it is okay? Is this hard hitting material that is being revisited against Obama going to be used in poor judgment? When does supporting these efforts and attacks become weak and ineffective?
Hannity and Limbaugh has went into overtime mode attacking Obama by any means necessary. All attacks thus far has failed. Now they and other conservative talk show host are back with a vengeance to beat down Obama. Spending every moment they are own the radio(generally 3 hours) attacking Obama. How many ways can you spin Bill Ayers? I mean he is a college a college
professor that turned his life around. Can he
not make a mistake. So the time that he served in prison did not amount for anything? Jeremiah Wright is another one who is being attacked, I listened to several of his sermons, and has a black man I can relate to what was being said, a small percentage I was left out their. Its funny, 99% of the time that conservatives don't get it. To them Wright and David Duke are in the same category???? One preaches good and one works to administer only good to whites! Limbaugh had his little feelings hurt when the Mexican comment got misconstrued... He went to great means to correct the mistake that he had made. Hannity has had connections with racist as well...
With so many real problems that we experience with the down ward serge of the economy, how in good conscious can we simply excuse and ignore the world crumbling around us to attack the chactor of these individual. So what will be the determination on how the long list of problems , and how they will be fixed? What will be the criteria for president??? Who ever slang the best mud???Is this who people really want running our country? Regardless of your race or political party, this is unacceptable! There is no way we can ignored the facts. I do in good faith want these issues of the economy addressed immediately!
The hypocrisy of not trying to resolve issues of the U.S. economic difficulties does need to be address . The major drag on McCain's campaign is the fact that has resorted to attack and smear, when he should be explaining how he plans on resolving the issues at hand...
I live by this creed, that if you have sinned... How can you throw the first stone?