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Saturday, February 17, 2024

90% of Diabetes Would be REVERSED [If You STOP These Foods]

Life as we know it exist only on who we are and what we do...

        A piece of mine goes a long way.

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How I Reversed 20 years of Arterial Plaque

Life as we know it exist only on who we are and what we do...

        A piece of mine goes a long way.

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35 Vital Chess Principles | Opening, Middlegame, and Endgame Principles ...

Life as we know it exist only on who we are and what we do...

        A piece of mine goes a long way.

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Friday, February 16, 2024

VEGAN DIET: Dispelling The Biggest Myths

Vegan Myths and Mysteries:


  1. Myth: Vegans don't get enough protein.

    Fact: Plant-based sources like beans, lentils, tofu, nuts, and seeds offer abundant protein. Studies show vegans can easily meet their protein needs.

  2. Myth: Vegan diets are restrictive and boring. Fact: Vegan cuisine is incredibly diverse and flavorful, with countless recipes and ingredients to explore. From globally inspired dishes to healthy comfort food, options abound.

  3. Myth: Cows need to be milked for their health. Fact: Cows naturally produce milk to feed their calves, not humans. Forced milking can be stressful and cause health issues. Dairy alternatives provide calcium and other nutrients without harming animals.

  4. Myth: Vegans are weak and unhealthy. Fact: Many elite athletes and bodybuilders thrive on vegan diets. Studies show potential benefits for heart health, weight management, and certain chronic diseases.

  5. Myth: Veganism is expensive. Fact: Staples like beans, lentils, and grains are often cheaper than meat. While some vegan products might be pricier, overall costs can be comparable or even lower.

Garbanzo beans are an essential component of a vegan diet to know more click here.

Vegan diet are healthier to know more click here:

Why I went Vegan to learn more click here.

Top 10 Vegan delivery in Collierville, TN click here to learn more.

12 easy vegan recipes to learn more click here.

Top 10 Vegan delivery in Collierville, TN click here to learn more.

Life as we know it exist only on who we are and what we do...

        A piece of mine goes a long way.

To see more of Whats on your mind click here

Thursday, February 15, 2024

History of Steve Jobs (Full Documentary)

Life as we know it exist only on who we are and what we do...

        A piece of mine goes a long way.

To see more of Whats on your mind click here

One Can of Chickpeas Could Change The Way You Think About Meatloaf

The SECRET Recipe for PLANT BASED Burgers (That taste just like a burger)

Life as we know it exist only on who we are and what we do...

        A piece of mine goes a long way.

To see more of Whats on your mind click here

Stars That Died

Today we lost

News flash