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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The death of another superstar

Police said Monday that 20-year-old Sahel Kazemi bought the handgun found under her body less than two days before the shooting.

They were found dead on the Fourth of July - McNair from two gunshots each to the head and chest, Kazemi from a single shot.

Kazemi appeared confident the pair would last and had introduced her family to McNair, her nephew said. Abdi quoted her as saying McNair was divorcing his wife and that it would be finalized soon.

"I think she had already put her stuff up for sale on Craigslist," Abdi said.
The year of 2009 has been one of much confusion with the many death of so many superstars. I suppose none is more or less stranger than the Steve McNair saga. Steve was no different from any man or woman with money,some believe that they can have their cake while enjoying their ice cream and think nothing of what they did.

So while I was listening to this story and reports kept saying girl friend, I kept thinking I thought he was married? I feel for his wife and children for not only do they have to face the lost of a father, but they have to face the lost of a father who cheated on their mother. So many lives were destroyed from a simple lie or was it a promise of what was to be. I can not help to think that McNair thought that he was in control of his situation. What Steve and many others like him in a situation like that is, their only two guaranteed truths one is life and the other is death. When you play russian roulette with 4 bullets in the chamber you limit your odds to win.

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