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Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Patrick CiCi the Bartlett police officer who killed Malcolm Shaw in Memphis on March 11,2010 after storming 1346 Standridge on a search warrant for drugs may have a drug history himself. Sources within MPD state that a call was made from Bartlett Police to Central Records asking them to remove CiCi's expungment records from the system so that the past of the narcotic and SWAT member could not be found.

Sources state that in 1988 and 1999 CiCi was arrested for possession of drugs himself,and that he had his record expunged. It is also believed from sources on the street that CiCi and Shaw were not strangers to each other and that CiCi may himself be involved in drug dealing.

CiCi who lives in a appraised home valued at $279,000 at 8785 Gainsway in Germantown also has mortages on 7 other homes according to Memphis Daily News records. those homes are located at 3020 Ruskin mortgage ending 3-1-2039,3965 Pikes Peak mortgage ending 4-1-2035,563 Herring mortgage ending 4-12-33, 4944 Bending Trail mortgage ending 7-1-2039, 1100 Tatum mortgage ending 10-1-2035, 3547 Orchi mortgage ending 10-1-2034, And 3587 Townes mortgage ending 10-1-2034.

The Townes address which CiCi had utilities listed in his name in 2003 is located in an area known as Nutbush which is a area known for drug trafficking and which is also just 2 miles from the Standridge address. Many on the streets wonder how this Bartlett Police officer has been able to afford all these homes on a police salary. I have to wonder why on 2 properties CiCi's wife Gina has to give him power of attorney over the properties.

But the biggest question is why CiCi and other officers were conducting business within Memphis city limits. The search warrant states that Bartlett Police were told by a confidential informant that Malcolm Shaw was storing large amounts of marijuana at the Standridge address. Bartlett Police according to the warrant wired the informant on March 8,2010 and sent him to buy drugs. The warrant states that the informant purchased 13.3 grams of marijuana and stated that large amounts of marijuana was seen in the house.

On March 9,2010 at 6:09 Judicial Commissioner Rhonda Harris signed a search warrant for Bartlett Police and the raid by SWAT members of Bartlett Police took place in Memphis the following day. The report that Shaw met CiCi which according to witnesses on Standridge at the door with a gun in hand and was killed there is a lie. When I entered the house on Friday March 12,2010 portions of Shaw's brain's was being swept off the floor of Shaw's bedroom and as the pics I have posted here shows Shaw's blood stains also on the bedroom floor. The house was torn apart but no drugs were recovered by the out of bounds cops.

Tennessee law states that the officers of Bartlett only have jurisdiction 1 mile from there incorporated city limits so why were the Bartlett Police conducting an investigation and raid within Memphis city limits?. I spoke with Shelby County Sheriff Mark Luttrell on Friday who states that all the officers involved had special commissions given by his department that allows them to go all over the county, But the Sheriff states that the commissions were meant to used by the officers for crimes that originate in the city of Bartlett.

Attorney Javier Bailey which represents the family has received information from another local attorney whose name will not be revealed at this point that there are affidavits in place for a case that states that certain Bartlett Police are operating in Memphis robbing drug dealers and that many of search warrants that have been used by Bartlett Police have been signed by Rhonda Harris.

So is it possible that CiCi and his gang went to Shaw's home to rob him and steal drugs? Is CiCi able to afford 8 mortgages because he in fact is the drug dealer? It is clear that Bartlett police didn't really do a good job at checking out Shaw or they would have known that he has been living in the family house for several years with no MLGW,and no transportation, Is this the lifestyle of a drug dealer?

Another question that must be raised is how after only one business day with no witnesses from Standridge street interviewed District Attorney Bill Gibbons was able to state that the shooting of Malcolm Shaw was justified?

Later this week I will be meeting with Congressman Steve Cohen taking with me hundreds of letters and signatures requesting that he ask U.S. District Attorney Eric Holder to start a federal investigation into the murder of Malcolm Shaw and into Bartlett Police. CiCi surely you didnt think that just because you closed down your Facebook page that a pic of you couldn't be found did you?

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