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Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Somethings just cannot be taught; you have to be born with it.

Somethings just cannot be taught; you have to be born with it.

High non mentionable that you just cannot teach:

Sexy, Being Hungry for Success, Motivation, Being the best or a winner.

Creativity - While techniques and skills can be taught to enhance one's creative abilities, creativity itself is a natural talent that cannot be forced or taught outright.

  1. Empathy - The ability to understand and feel the emotions of others is a characteristic that is either innate or developed through life experiences, but cannot be taught in a traditional sense.

  2. Intuition - This is a type of inner knowing that cannot be learned from books or lectures. It comes from experience, insight, and a heightened awareness of the world around you.

  3. Charisma - Some people are simply more charismatic than others, and this quality cannot be taught or manufactured. Charisma comes from a combination of confidence, charm, and personal magnetism.

  4. Emotional intelligence - The ability to recognize, understand, and manage one's own emotions, as well as the emotions of others, is a valuable trait that is difficult to teach in a classroom setting.

  5. Authenticity - While people can try to emulate the behaviors of others, true authenticity comes from being genuine and true to oneself. This is a quality that cannot be taught, but can only be developed through self-reflection and personal growth.

  6. Curiosity - The desire to learn and explore is an innate quality that some people possess from a young age. While curiosity can be encouraged and nurtured, it cannot be taught outright.

  7. Resilience - The ability to bounce back from setbacks and failures is a quality that is built over time through experience and personal development. While resilience can be fostered through various techniques, it cannot be taught in a traditional sense.

                     Thanks for listening.

            A piece of mine goes a long way.

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