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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Did you know fluorosis is caused by high consumption of fluoride while the teeth are still growing?

Did you know that fluoride is used as an insecticide and RAT POISON!

Did you know Fluoridation has been linked to immune system alteration, muscule skeletal harm, genetic damage, thyroid dysfunction, and even cancer?

Did you know Fluoride, like anything, is poisonous in large doses but getting to that level is difficult unless you go around drinking fluoride solutions or swallowing toothpastes and its use in strong concentrations?

Did you know water is fluoridated in the USA because it makes the enamel of your teeth more resistant to decay but as you know fuoride is suppose to reduce cavity's?

Did you know fluorosis is caused by high consumption of fluoride while the teeth are still growing?

Did you know fluorosis can cause damage to teeth, such as white discolorations and brown and pitted teeth?

Did you know that public water fluoridation was once widely embraced in Europe, but has been banned on the evidence in Scotland, Sweden, The Netherlands, Germany, and France, among others?

Did you know 
Fluoride is a mineral that naturally exists in virtually all water sources and even in various brands of bottled water. It is effective in preventing and reversing the early signs of tooth decay?

Contrary to what your dentist might tell you, you don't need fluoride to have healthy teeth just good dental hygiene.

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