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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Operation Chaos

Last month while looking for a radio station that was broadcasting the Memphis Tiger game and I ran across AM 600. I generally don't listen to am but I was bored with the constant repeat of the same music over and over again and I was looking for something to listen too. I have heard about the famous Rush Limbaugh but never took the time to listen. The very first day I did, I was hooked... Not because of his prolific conversation that he shared. I could not believe his constant babbling, with a ton of bitching and moaning. Plus he kept bashing Obama on anything he could think of. I kept think what a red neck!
Now Rush Limbaugh has a concocted a plan that he has been advocating to his listeners who are republican to go out and register Democrat and vote for Hillary Clinton he is calling it Operation Chaos. Limbaugh is so hell bent to push Obama out of the nomination that he has devised a plan to get Hillary Elected so Obama can not win. I personally think this idiot has crossed the line. He seems to believe that the republican party has made our life a bed of roses. The reason that the economy is in trouble is because of the democrats??? Gas will hit $4 dollars a gallon in the Midwest and close to $5 dollars a gallon in California by the fall. So Limbaugh is rich and he is not suffering because of the economy, although we the people are feeling the pain that the republican party has inflicted on us. Why don't we come up with Operation Hell No. With this program everyone loads up their cars and bring as many people to the poll. The more people that vote for Obama will bring Success to Operation Hell No, and demolish operation chaos! Plus give Limbaugh something else to bitch about!!!

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